Premarnava prabhu and his wife Shaibya have been very kind and supportive of the NYC Harinam practically since Ramaraya prabhu started it 8 years ago. In the first few years they used to participate in the Harinams in Union square park on many weekends and bring their two young boys Manu and Havi along with them. Premarnava prabhu also bought a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set at last year’s Ratha yatra festival. They follow our posts on Facebook regularly and always leave encouraging comments on all the book distribution pictures. Wonderful devotee family, we’re grateful to them for their support.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Premarnava prabhu and his wife Shaibya have been very kind and supportive of the NYC Harinam practically since Ramaraya prabhu started it 8 years ago. In the first few years they used to participate in the Harinams in Union square park on many weekends and bring their two young boys Manu and Havi along with them. Premarnava prabhu also bought a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set at last year’s Ratha yatra festival. They follow our posts on Facebook regularly and always leave encouraging comments on all the book distribution pictures. Wonderful devotee family, we’re grateful to them for their support.
Premarnava prabhu and his wife Shaibya have been very kind and supportive of the NYC Harinam practically since Ramaraya prabhu started it 8 years ago. In the first few years they used to participate in the Harinams in Union square park on many weekends and bring their two young boys Manu and Havi along with them. Premarnava prabhu also bought a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set at last year’s Ratha yatra festival. They follow our posts on Facebook regularly and always leave encouraging comments on all the book distribution pictures. Wonderful devotee family, we’re grateful to them for their support.
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I met Michael about 3 years ago in New York City in Union Square park one afternoon while the Harinam was going on and I was distributing books. He really enjoyed the kirtan and took a copy of the “Bhagavad Gita as it is” from me at the time and we also added each other as friends on Facebook. He’s actually a popular certified yoga teacher in California now and three of his yoga students bought “Sapta” sets from me in the past year. He’s been a long time vegan and received his yoga certification from legendary yoga master Dharma Mittra. Before moving to California he opened one of the first yoga studios in the Bronx where he became famous for teaching a special style of class called “Awakened Warrior Yoga” which is a combination of yoga and martial arts because he’s also a black belt. I recently got back in touch with him and we discussed about how bad this current pandemic situation is and how to understand it through the concept of karma. We also spoke about Krishna and how much he liked reading the “Bhagavad Gita as it is” with Srila Prabhupada’s unique purports. He told me that he recently lost his copy of the Gita that I distributed to him and has been thinking about getting another one! So I told him about the “Sapta” set then explained about each book in the set and he decided to get it immediately and ordered it from me over the phone with his credit card. I shipped it out to him right away and asked him to send me a picture of him with the set when he got it!
We also created an ebay account for people to order “Saptarishi” sets shipped directly to their house:
I met Michael about 3 years ago in New York City in Union Square park one afternoon while the Harinam was going on and I was distributing books. He really enjoyed the kirtan and took a copy of the “Bhagavad Gita as it is” from me at the time and we also added each other as friends on Facebook. He’s actually a popular certified yoga teacher in California now and three of his yoga students bought “Sapta” sets from me in the past year. He’s been a long time vegan and received his yoga certification from legendary yoga master Dharma Mittra. Before moving to California he opened one of the first yoga studios in the Bronx where he became famous for teaching a special style of class called “Awakened Warrior Yoga” which is a combination of yoga and martial arts because he’s also a black belt. I recently got back in touch with him and we discussed about how bad this current pandemic situation is and how to understand it through the concept of karma. We also spoke about Krishna and how much he liked reading the “Bhagavad Gita as it is” with Srila Prabhupada’s unique purports. He told me that he recently lost his copy of the Gita that I distributed to him and has been thinking about getting another one! So I told him about the “Sapta” set then explained about each book in the set and he decided to get it immediately and ordered it from me over the phone with his credit card. I shipped it out to him right away and asked him to send me a picture of him with the set when he got it!
Michael receives a “Saptarishi” set that was shipped to his home in California by Mahotsaha prabhu! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
We also created an ebay account for people to order “Saptarishi” sets shipped directly to their house:
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I was introduced to Julian by a devotee friend named Dina Bandu Prabhu who also lives out in New Jersey like Julian. Both Julian, Dina Bandhu and I are musicians so we all got along nicely. Julian and I really hit it off right from the start back when I was a bhakta not only because we were all musicians but also because we had Krishna consciousness in common. I used to play bass and Julian plays music professionally; He’s very talented and plays guitar, bass, violin, drums and sings too! Every time I went to the CNJ temple (central New Jersey) I’d hang out with him and we became friends. He’s visited the NYC Harinam many times throughout the years and chanted with everybody in the kirtan in Union square park. He loves our Harinam & wanted to support our book distribution as well. When I spoke to him on the phone a few weeks ago and told him that we’re trying to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books through the mail during this difficult time he wanted to give a donation to help us and purchased a “Saptarishi” set because he thought it would make a great present for a good friend of his.
I was introduced to Julian by a devotee friend named Dina Bandu Prabhu who also lives out in New Jersey like Julian. Both Julian, Dina Bandhu and I are musicians so we all got along nicely. Julian and I really hit it off right from the start back when I was a bhakta not only because we were all musicians but also because we had Krishna consciousness in common. I used to play bass and Julian plays music professionally; He’s very talented and plays guitar, bass, violin, drums and sings too! Every time I went to the CNJ temple (central New Jersey) I’d hang out with him and we became friends. He’s visited the NYC Harinam many times throughout the years and chanted with everybody in the kirtan in Union square park. He loves our Harinam & wanted to support our book distribution as well. When I spoke to him on the phone a few weeks ago and told him that we’re trying to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books through the mail during this difficult time he wanted to give a donation to help us and purchased a “Saptarishi” set because he thought it would make a great present for a good friend of his.
Julian receives a “Saptarishi” set that was shipped to his home in New Jersey by Mahotsaha prabhu! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Friday, March 27, 2020
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nice gentleman named Venkatesh originally from Tamil Nadu.
He just walked into the temple room of Prabhupada village where we’re staying at the moment and came to drop off some flowers for the Nitai Gaura Sundara deities. I was praying to Parama Karuna Nitai Gaura Sundara to somehow help me distribute some books as I’ve been missing person to person book distribution for the past week. We’ve been doing book distribution mainly through emails and personal phone calls to various devotees and their friends and shipping out sets to people's homes like that. Although I was leading the kirtan and playing mridanga I started talking to him briefly. I explained to him that we came from New York because it’s not a good place for all of us to stay right now and how Maduha prabhu personally invited the NYC Harinam party to stay at his house until we can go back. I ended up showing him one of our “Sapta” sets and he very kindly agreed to take the set and gave a generous donation to support us so I also added the Lilamrita as an extra gift. Krishna is really “suhrt” the best friend of all living entities and He somehow fulfilled my desire to distribute some of Srila Prabhupada’s books.
Prabhupada village, Sandy Ridge North Carolina.
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha
& big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita”
set together!
Prabhupada village, Sandy ridge North Carolina. Kirtaniya sada Hari.
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
We met Gigi from Brooklyn a few days ago in the 145th street subway station which is right by the Harinam ashram. I was with a few devotees waiting for the train on our way to Harinam. When we spoke with her she was telling us that she used to help Adi Purusa prabhu years ago as a volunteer in his soup kitchen preparing prasadam for his food for life program in Tompkins square park. We invited her to come to our Sunday feast program and she showed up today right on time! She was so inspired by the class that she said: “although my funds are tight at the moment I think I should invest my money in this set because all I heard in the class was spoken from these books and it was so spiritually inspiring!” She used to be good friends with a devotee mataji named Lila from Australia who got married then moved to Texas. She wants to get back in touch with her for some Krishna conscious association. She told us that she will return for anther Sunday feast program again soon.
Yuga dharma ashram Sunday feast program!
We met Gigi from Brooklyn a few days ago in the 145th street subway station which is right by the Harinam ashram. I was with a few devotees waiting for the train on our way to Harinam. When we spoke with her she was telling us that she used to help Adi Purusa prabhu years ago as a volunteer in his soup kitchen preparing prasadam for his food for life program in Tompkins square park. We invited her to come to our Sunday feast program and she showed up today right on time! She was so inspired by the class that she said: “although my funds are tight at the moment I think I should invest my money in this set because all I heard in the class was spoken from these books and it was so spiritually inspiring!” She used to be good friends with a devotee mataji named Lila from Australia who got married then moved to Texas. She wants to get back in touch with her for some Krishna conscious association. She told us that she will return for anther Sunday feast program again soon.
Yuga dharma ashram Sunday feast program!
Introducing the “Gaura Tattva” set!
Gigi receives a “Chaitanya Charitamrita” set plus a “Saptarishi” set
together from Mahotsaha prabhu! Nitai Gaura Haribol! Jay Srila
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Nice lady named Genesis originally from the Dominican Republic. She had a big smile on her face while she was watching the Harinam and listening to the nice kirtan by HH Kadamba Kanana swami and appreciating the ladies dancing as well. I asked her if she meditates and she said yes every day! She was telling me that she enjoys practicing some Buddhist chanting meditation and goes to a Buddhist temple in Brooklyn regularly where they do some chanting circles together on Thursdays. I told her that’s amazing and explained what we’re doing is chanting the “Hare Krishna” Maha mantra, Maha means great, Man means mind and tra means to control. I told her that by hearing the sound vibration we get purified of all material desires gradually and awaken pure love of God within our hearts. She was very interested in learning more about the chanting and the philosophy so I showed her our set and she was happy to buy it. Before she left I introduced her to Sukanti Gaurangi mataji from the Brooklyn Radha Govinda temple so they’re going to keep in touch and she will visit the temple for a Sunday feast program soon.
It’s Genesis from Dominican Republic!
Nice lady named Genesis originally from the Dominican Republic. She had a big smile on her face while she was watching the Harinam and listening to the nice kirtan by HH Kadamba Kanana swami and appreciating the ladies dancing as well. I asked her if she meditates and she said yes every day! She was telling me that she enjoys practicing some Buddhist chanting meditation and goes to a Buddhist temple in Brooklyn regularly where they do some chanting circles together on Thursdays. I told her that’s amazing and explained what we’re doing is chanting the “Hare Krishna” Maha mantra, Maha means great, Man means mind and tra means to control. I told her that by hearing the sound vibration we get purified of all material desires gradually and awaken pure love of God within our hearts. She was very interested in learning more about the chanting and the philosophy so I showed her our set and she was happy to buy it. Before she left I introduced her to Sukanti Gaurangi mataji from the Brooklyn Radha Govinda temple so they’re going to keep in touch and she will visit the temple for a Sunday feast program soon.
It’s Genesis from Dominican Republic!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Very nice lady named Crystal from New Jersey. She just came up to the book table and started looking at the books so I went up to her. She told me that recently someone gave her a Shiva necklace as a gift and she asked me if I knew who he is? She’s been listening to some podcasts and searching online trying to learn more about him. I told her that Shiva is the greatest devotee of Krishna and quoted the verse “vaiṣṇavānāṁ yathā śambhuḥ” (Lord Śambhu [Śiva] the greatest of Vaiṣṇavas) Then I told her that just like in a company there’s different positions Shiva is like the manager and Krishna is like the CEO! When I showed her our set she said she doesn’t think she can take all these books because they probably cost a lot of money! But I explained to her that we don’t sell these books the same way stores like Barnes and Noble do because we have our own printing company, we just ask for a minimum $50 donation to cover the cost of printing and shipping. She looked at me and said: “wow! that’s it what a great deal I’ll take them with me right now!”
It’s Crystal from New Jersey!
Very nice lady named Crystal from New Jersey. She just came up to the book table and started looking at the books so I went up to her. She told me that recently someone gave her a Shiva necklace as a gift and she asked me if I knew who he is? She’s been listening to some podcasts and searching online trying to learn more about him. I told her that Shiva is the greatest devotee of Krishna and quoted the verse “vaiṣṇavānāṁ yathā śambhuḥ” (Lord Śambhu [Śiva] the greatest of Vaiṣṇavas) Then I told her that just like in a company there’s different positions Shiva is like the manager and Krishna is like the CEO! When I showed her our set she said she doesn’t think she can take all these books because they probably cost a lot of money! But I explained to her that we don’t sell these books the same way stores like Barnes and Noble do because we have our own printing company, we just ask for a minimum $50 donation to cover the cost of printing and shipping. She looked at me and said: “wow! that’s it what a great deal I’ll take them with me right now!”
It’s Crystal from New Jersey!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
This was the fastest “Sapta” set I’ve ever distributed, it only took literally one minute at most! This nice gentleman named Okala originally from Nigeria now living in Virginia stopped to listen to the Harinam and was also looking at the book table very attentively checking out the books. So I went up to him and told him he looks like a smart guy and asked him where he’s from? He told me that he’s living in Virginia and I said Virginia that’s the city of love! He smiled and I showed him our set then told him that we’re monks and we don’t sell these spiritual books like in the store we just take donations. He told me he loves to read and he has $50 in cash on him then gave it to me and took the set.
It’s Okala from Nigeria!
This was the fastest “Sapta” set I’ve ever distributed, it only took literally one minute at most! This nice gentleman named Okala originally from Nigeria now living in Virginia stopped to listen to the Harinam and was also looking at the book table very attentively checking out the books. So I went up to him and told him he looks like a smart guy and asked him where he’s from? He told me that he’s living in Virginia and I said Virginia that’s the city of love! He smiled and I showed him our set then told him that we’re monks and we don’t sell these spiritual books like in the store we just take donations. He told me he loves to read and he has $50 in cash on him then gave it to me and took the set.
It’s Okala from Nigeria!
Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Really nice young lady named Tiffany originally from Puerto Rico living in the Bronx.
She actually got a copy of the “Nectar of instruction” from a place called the “Center for enlightenment” in the Bronx close to where she lives. She told me that she’s read it several times already. I told her that our Guru’s mission was to bring enlightenment to all the worlds misdirected civilization by bringing this great knowledge and manifest a spiritual revolution in their hearts as well. After I said that she showed me her tattoo on her knuckles that said “Manifest!” so she connected what I was telling her that way. I asked her what brought her to the point of starting to look into spirituality and she honestly answered: “suffering!” She’s been through a lot of hard times and she got to the point where she started looking for answers by reading different spiritual books. I showed her our set and she was very happy to get it, she even added an extra $10 donation afterwards. She also came prepared and had her own carry bag because she’s into protecting the environment and recycling. She’s going to visit our ashram for the Sunday feast this coming weekend.
It’s Tiffany from the Bronx!
Really nice young lady named Tiffany originally from Puerto Rico living in the Bronx.
She actually got a copy of the “Nectar of instruction” from a place called the “Center for enlightenment” in the Bronx close to where she lives. She told me that she’s read it several times already. I told her that our Guru’s mission was to bring enlightenment to all the worlds misdirected civilization by bringing this great knowledge and manifest a spiritual revolution in their hearts as well. After I said that she showed me her tattoo on her knuckles that said “Manifest!” so she connected what I was telling her that way. I asked her what brought her to the point of starting to look into spirituality and she honestly answered: “suffering!” She’s been through a lot of hard times and she got to the point where she started looking for answers by reading different spiritual books. I showed her our set and she was very happy to get it, she even added an extra $10 donation afterwards. She also came prepared and had her own carry bag because she’s into protecting the environment and recycling. She’s going to visit our ashram for the Sunday feast this coming weekend.
It’s Tiffany from the Bronx!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
His name is Deo from Brooklyn and when I saw him I told him: “bro I love your beard! You know what day it is right? it’s the appearance day of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu! Mahaprabhu instructed Nityananda Prabhu to go preach Krishna consciousness but Nityananda Prabhu changed his mind and preached Gauranga consciousness instead!” I showed him our set and explained how Srila Prabhupada is the foremost representative of Nityananda Prabhu and we are here on his behalf requesting everyone we meet to take these amazing spiritual books. I asked him if he could please give a donation to cover our printing and shipping charges. Then I paraphrased a verse 11.20.17 from the Srimad Bhagavatam:
“The human body, which can award all benefit in life, is automatically obtained by the laws of nature, although it is a very rare achievement. This human body can be compared to a perfectly constructed boat having the spiritual master as the captain and the instructions of the Personality of Godhead as favorable winds impelling it on its course. Considering all these advantages, a human being who does not utilize his human life to cross the ocean of material existence must be considered the killer of his own soul.” He was convinced at that point and told me that he’s been wanting to start reading more spiritual books and getting into spirituality more seriously. He very happily agreed to purchase the set and gave me his contact info so we can keep in touch.
It’s Deo from Brooklyn!
His name is Deo from Brooklyn and when I saw him I told him: “bro I love your beard! You know what day it is right? it’s the appearance day of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu! Mahaprabhu instructed Nityananda Prabhu to go preach Krishna consciousness but Nityananda Prabhu changed his mind and preached Gauranga consciousness instead!” I showed him our set and explained how Srila Prabhupada is the foremost representative of Nityananda Prabhu and we are here on his behalf requesting everyone we meet to take these amazing spiritual books. I asked him if he could please give a donation to cover our printing and shipping charges. Then I paraphrased a verse 11.20.17 from the Srimad Bhagavatam:
“The human body, which can award all benefit in life, is automatically obtained by the laws of nature, although it is a very rare achievement. This human body can be compared to a perfectly constructed boat having the spiritual master as the captain and the instructions of the Personality of Godhead as favorable winds impelling it on its course. Considering all these advantages, a human being who does not utilize his human life to cross the ocean of material existence must be considered the killer of his own soul.” He was convinced at that point and told me that he’s been wanting to start reading more spiritual books and getting into spirituality more seriously. He very happily agreed to purchase the set and gave me his contact info so we can keep in touch.
It’s Deo from Brooklyn!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Really nice intelligent and friendly New Yorker named Aaron who stopped to talk to me. He told me that he’s an international corporate lawyer who represents some big New York companies. He told me that he works in the midtown Manhattan area where the Harinam was set up. He said that he likes reading in his free time so I showed him our set. I didn’t say much about the books actually I just told him that these are spiritual books from India and he ended up giving a generous $80 donation for the books.
Aaron, he’s an international corporate lawyer!
Really nice intelligent and friendly New Yorker named Aaron who stopped to talk to me. He told me that he’s an international corporate lawyer who represents some big New York companies. He told me that he works in the midtown Manhattan area where the Harinam was set up. He said that he likes reading in his free time so I showed him our set. I didn’t say much about the books actually I just told him that these are spiritual books from India and he ended up giving a generous $80 donation for the books.
Aaron, he’s an international corporate lawyer!
Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Super sweet 66 year old gentleman named Norman Aketan originally from Guyana! His last name “Aketan” means son of God in ancient Egyptian language. When I showed him our set and told him that these are ancient spiritual books of knowledge from India, he looked at me and said: “yeah I know about Atman from the Vedas!” I told him: “that’s right you’re such a cultured man please you have to take these books home with you today!” He told me he would love to buy the set and start reading the books tonight. Before he left he gave me some words of wisdom: “Always be positively blessed and not negatively stressed!”
It’s Norman from Guyana!
Super sweet 66 year old gentleman named Norman Aketan originally from Guyana! His last name “Aketan” means son of God in ancient Egyptian language. When I showed him our set and told him that these are ancient spiritual books of knowledge from India, he looked at me and said: “yeah I know about Atman from the Vedas!” I told him: “that’s right you’re such a cultured man please you have to take these books home with you today!” He told me he would love to buy the set and start reading the books tonight. Before he left he gave me some words of wisdom: “Always be positively blessed and not negatively stressed!”
It’s Norman from Guyana!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nice lady from New Jersey named Rachel who stopped to take a video of the Harinam. She was attracted to the chanting of the Holy name and watched the kirtan for some time. I went up to her and told her that she looks spiritual and she said that she’s a spiritual person. I was telling her that the real problems of life in the material world are birth, death, disease and old age (janma mtryu jara vyadi) then I showed her our set and said that these books will explain to her how to get relief from these miseries. She was very interested and told me how much she loves to read spiritual books on meditation like these. I continued telling her that this life in not actually meant for working very hard just for some temporary happiness (nayam deho deha SB 5.5.1) but this life is meant for self realization in order to get eternal spiritual happiness. She agreed with me and bought the books with her credit card on the spot.
It’s Rachel from New Jersey!
Nice lady from New Jersey named Rachel who stopped to take a video of the Harinam. She was attracted to the chanting of the Holy name and watched the kirtan for some time. I went up to her and told her that she looks spiritual and she said that she’s a spiritual person. I was telling her that the real problems of life in the material world are birth, death, disease and old age (janma mtryu jara vyadi) then I showed her our set and said that these books will explain to her how to get relief from these miseries. She was very interested and told me how much she loves to read spiritual books on meditation like these. I continued telling her that this life in not actually meant for working very hard just for some temporary happiness (nayam deho deha SB 5.5.1) but this life is meant for self realization in order to get eternal spiritual happiness. She agreed with me and bought the books with her credit card on the spot.
It’s Rachel from New Jersey!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Monday, March 23, 2020
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nice gentleman named Jorge. I told him: “I love your hairstyle, because I have the same one!” He started cracking up! I asked him where he was from and he said he’s originally from the Dominican Republic. I told him that my soul brother Gopal (who was standing close by) is from Santa Domingo in my funny broken Spanish and he laughed. I asked him if he’s spiritual and he said he thinks of himself as a spiritual person so I showed him our set. I started telling him how today is Gaura Purnima a special holiday and how these books speak about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission to spread a spiritual revolution for the benefit of all humanity. I asked him to please take the books if he wants to be fully benefited on this very special day and somehow he was inspired and took the set! I could tell that Lord Caitanya’s desire for the books to go out was much greater than mine and I just decided to get out of the way and be the instrument of Guru and Gauranga.
It’s Jorge from Dominican Republic!
Nice gentleman named Jorge. I told him: “I love your hairstyle, because I have the same one!” He started cracking up! I asked him where he was from and he said he’s originally from the Dominican Republic. I told him that my soul brother Gopal (who was standing close by) is from Santa Domingo in my funny broken Spanish and he laughed. I asked him if he’s spiritual and he said he thinks of himself as a spiritual person so I showed him our set. I started telling him how today is Gaura Purnima a special holiday and how these books speak about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission to spread a spiritual revolution for the benefit of all humanity. I asked him to please take the books if he wants to be fully benefited on this very special day and somehow he was inspired and took the set! I could tell that Lord Caitanya’s desire for the books to go out was much greater than mine and I just decided to get out of the way and be the instrument of Guru and Gauranga.
It’s Jorge from Dominican Republic!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
This is a far out story! Strange friendly guy named Josh the unicorn on his way to a Saturday night costume party. Krishna prasad prabhu and I saw him walking by and we started talking to him. I asked him where he’s from and he said everywhere! I said: “wow that’s amazing do you know what these books are about?” Then I showed him our set! He said he has no idea so I told him that these books are all about Krishna! They explain how Visnu is lying in the causal ocean and from His navel a lotus grows and there’s a four headed being who engineers this entire universe! I also told him that half the universe is just water which is the sweat of Visnu! I mentioned that if he buys the books it will help us throw a nice birthday party for Lord Caitanya, and I told him how Lord Caitanya would exhibit ecstatic symptoms where all His limbs would sink into His body and He would look like a golden pumpkin! Then I told him how Lord Caitanya’s body would sometimes stretch so much that the only thing holding His limbs together was His skin. He was into it and smiled then he happily bought the books!
Even pink Unicorns get Krishna’s mercy!
This is a far out story! Strange friendly guy named Josh the unicorn on his way to a Saturday night costume party. Krishna prasad prabhu and I saw him walking by and we started talking to him. I asked him where he’s from and he said everywhere! I said: “wow that’s amazing do you know what these books are about?” Then I showed him our set! He said he has no idea so I told him that these books are all about Krishna! They explain how Visnu is lying in the causal ocean and from His navel a lotus grows and there’s a four headed being who engineers this entire universe! I also told him that half the universe is just water which is the sweat of Visnu! I mentioned that if he buys the books it will help us throw a nice birthday party for Lord Caitanya, and I told him how Lord Caitanya would exhibit ecstatic symptoms where all His limbs would sink into His body and He would look like a golden pumpkin! Then I told him how Lord Caitanya’s body would sometimes stretch so much that the only thing holding His limbs together was His skin. He was into it and smiled then he happily bought the books!
Even pink Unicorns get Krishna’s mercy!
It’s Josh the Unicorn from everywhere!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nice pious lady named Francine from Brooklyn. She’s been a nurse for most of her life at Mount Sinai hospital. She saw the Harinam and stopped to watch and listen to the kirtan. She told me that she’s trying to get into meditation but needs some books to learn how to start. I told her no problem I have the perfect set for her and I showed her our “Sapta” set. I explained to her that the real problems in life are birth, death, disease and old age and these books will teach her how to overcome the cycle of birth and death. I told her how now everyone’s really worried about this new virus and all these diseases but these books provide the ultimate solution to all these problems and they give the cure to all diseases. I showed her how the Gita is translated from the original Sanskrit language into English with commentary by our guru Srila Prabhupada. Then I showed her the Srimad Bhagavatam first canto and told her that this book was compiled five thousand years ago and it mentions events from the past, present and future and even predicts the Buddha avatar. She was saying that she really loves to read so I told her that we’re monks and we just ask for donations to cover our printing and shipping cost for the books and she happily took the set!
It’s Francine from Brooklyn!
Nice pious lady named Francine from Brooklyn. She’s been a nurse for most of her life at Mount Sinai hospital. She saw the Harinam and stopped to watch and listen to the kirtan. She told me that she’s trying to get into meditation but needs some books to learn how to start. I told her no problem I have the perfect set for her and I showed her our “Sapta” set. I explained to her that the real problems in life are birth, death, disease and old age and these books will teach her how to overcome the cycle of birth and death. I told her how now everyone’s really worried about this new virus and all these diseases but these books provide the ultimate solution to all these problems and they give the cure to all diseases. I showed her how the Gita is translated from the original Sanskrit language into English with commentary by our guru Srila Prabhupada. Then I showed her the Srimad Bhagavatam first canto and told her that this book was compiled five thousand years ago and it mentions events from the past, present and future and even predicts the Buddha avatar. She was saying that she really loves to read so I told her that we’re monks and we just ask for donations to cover our printing and shipping cost for the books and she happily took the set!
It’s Francine from Brooklyn!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
I met Giovanni around the same time we first moved into the ashram in the Hamilton heights neighborhood of the upper west side of Manhattan. I would walk by the C town grocery store every day going to catch the subway to go on Harinam and he’d be standing outside the store sometimes so one day I said hello and we became friends. He told me that he’s the grocery store manager. Once I asked him if they could lend us the metal slide they use to move boxes into the store basement from the truck deliveries so we could move our boxes of books more easily and quickly into our basement and he said no problem. So we borrowed it every time there’s a book order and it saves us a lot of time. He also donates bhoga like vegetables and fruits to the ashram whenever possible. Today I saw him while I was walking back to the ashram from the subway with a “Sapta” set in my hands and I showed it to him. I told him it’s a special holiday, the birthday appearance of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and he said he would buy the set from me to share with some of his employees!
Giovanni, the manager of C town grocery store and some employees!
I met Giovanni around the same time we first moved into the ashram in the Hamilton heights neighborhood of the upper west side of Manhattan. I would walk by the C town grocery store every day going to catch the subway to go on Harinam and he’d be standing outside the store sometimes so one day I said hello and we became friends. He told me that he’s the grocery store manager. Once I asked him if they could lend us the metal slide they use to move boxes into the store basement from the truck deliveries so we could move our boxes of books more easily and quickly into our basement and he said no problem. So we borrowed it every time there’s a book order and it saves us a lot of time. He also donates bhoga like vegetables and fruits to the ashram whenever possible. Today I saw him while I was walking back to the ashram from the subway with a “Sapta” set in my hands and I showed it to him. I told him it’s a special holiday, the birthday appearance of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and he said he would buy the set from me to share with some of his employees!
Giovanni, the manager of C town grocery store and some employees!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Elona and Carter nice couple from Brooklyn! Gopal Champu prabhu and I decided to go to the weekly Bhagavad Gita program at 26 second avenue after the Harinam. When we were just getting out of the program on our way to the subway I ran into them. I saw them standing and staring at the transcendental storefront in curiosity wondering what was going on inside. I asked them if they were spiritual and Elona answered yes enthusiastically. I showed her our set and told her that these spiritual books will help her understand who she is, who Krishna is and her relationship with Krishna! I also told her that it’s Lord Caitanya’s birthday on Monday and it’s very important for her spiritual life that she takes this complete set. I explained to them that this storefront is actually the very first Hare Krishna temple in America and invited them to come to next weeks program. They agreed and bought the set right in front of 26 second avenue, it was ecstatic how they received Srila Prabhupada’s mercy like that! Before they left they commented that I’m a good salesman!
Elona and Carter nice couple from Brooklyn! Gopal Champu prabhu and I decided to go to the weekly Bhagavad Gita program at 26 second avenue after the Harinam. When we were just getting out of the program on our way to the subway I ran into them. I saw them standing and staring at the transcendental storefront in curiosity wondering what was going on inside. I asked them if they were spiritual and Elona answered yes enthusiastically. I showed her our set and told her that these spiritual books will help her understand who she is, who Krishna is and her relationship with Krishna! I also told her that it’s Lord Caitanya’s birthday on Monday and it’s very important for her spiritual life that she takes this complete set. I explained to them that this storefront is actually the very first Hare Krishna temple in America and invited them to come to next weeks program. They agreed and bought the set right in front of 26 second avenue, it was ecstatic how they received Srila Prabhupada’s mercy like that! Before they left they commented that I’m a good salesman!
Elona and Carter receive a “Saptarishi” set from Mahotsaha prabhu in front of 26 second avenue, Matchless gifts! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Nice gentleman name Raphael originally from Uruguay now living with his family in New Jersey. He saw the Harinam party and stopped to listen to the kirtan. He told me that he actually met the devotees when he was much younger in his home country of Uruguay and really liked the philosophy, the temple and the devotees. He ended up moving to Argentina some time later and wanted to move into the temple and become a full time devotee but then he met his wife and got married and his life took a different direction. He really loves Krishna consciousness and has most of Srila Prabhupada’s books and tries to stay connected to Krishna as much as possible but he's mostly been busy taking care of his wife and kids. He’s been to the Brooklyn Radha Govinda mandir and plans on going again soon for a Sunday feast program. I showed him the Lilamrita and told him that by reading this biography of Srila Prabhupada he will get a deeper understanding of all the sacrifices he made to spread the Hare Krishna movement all around the world and how he empowered his disciples to open up all of South America and introduce Krishna consciousness in that part of the world in such a short time. He was very friendly and appreciative and wanted to support us so he happily bought the set.
It’s Raphael from Uruguay!
Nice gentleman name Raphael originally from Uruguay now living with his family in New Jersey. He saw the Harinam party and stopped to listen to the kirtan. He told me that he actually met the devotees when he was much younger in his home country of Uruguay and really liked the philosophy, the temple and the devotees. He ended up moving to Argentina some time later and wanted to move into the temple and become a full time devotee but then he met his wife and got married and his life took a different direction. He really loves Krishna consciousness and has most of Srila Prabhupada’s books and tries to stay connected to Krishna as much as possible but he's mostly been busy taking care of his wife and kids. He’s been to the Brooklyn Radha Govinda mandir and plans on going again soon for a Sunday feast program. I showed him the Lilamrita and told him that by reading this biography of Srila Prabhupada he will get a deeper understanding of all the sacrifices he made to spread the Hare Krishna movement all around the world and how he empowered his disciples to open up all of South America and introduce Krishna consciousness in that part of the world in such a short time. He was very friendly and appreciative and wanted to support us so he happily bought the set.
It’s Raphael from Uruguay!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set! {7 Maha
big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nice couple Nishank from Hyderabad and his fiancée Anvi from Gujarat. At first I noticed that Anvi had a big sunflower on her bag so I told her: “that’s so nice, I love the bag please take this pamphlet!” She told me that she’s Gujarati and I said: “wow, I love Gujarat, my friend and I both ate 10 kilos of srikanta each when we went there and it was incredible!” She laughed then I showed them both our set. The gentleman told me that they’re both IT specialists (information technology professionals) and I said: “that’s amazing, you’re very cultured and educated people so please take this set so you can help preserve this important Vedic culture through this knowledge.” I explained how Monday is the very auspicious day of “Gaura Purnima” festival the appearance day of Lord Chaitanya. I told them if they don’t know Him they can read the books and get to know Him and He will bestow His mercy on them!
Nishank from Hyderabad and Anvi from Gujarat!
Nice couple Nishank from Hyderabad and his fiancée Anvi from Gujarat. At first I noticed that Anvi had a big sunflower on her bag so I told her: “that’s so nice, I love the bag please take this pamphlet!” She told me that she’s Gujarati and I said: “wow, I love Gujarat, my friend and I both ate 10 kilos of srikanta each when we went there and it was incredible!” She laughed then I showed them both our set. The gentleman told me that they’re both IT specialists (information technology professionals) and I said: “that’s amazing, you’re very cultured and educated people so please take this set so you can help preserve this important Vedic culture through this knowledge.” I explained how Monday is the very auspicious day of “Gaura Purnima” festival the appearance day of Lord Chaitanya. I told them if they don’t know Him they can read the books and get to know Him and He will bestow His mercy on them!
Nishank from Hyderabad and Anvi from Gujarat!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Really nice guy named Alejandro originally from Venezuela now living in Miami! When I stopped him he was saying that he’s a very spiritual guy and he’s been practicing yoga and meditation for many years. He’s really into Buddhism and likes Japanese Shinto meditation techniques. I showed him our set and told him these are the best books on meditation that eastern philosophy has to offer and they pick up from where Buddhism leaves off. He said that he couldn’t even read English very well but I told him not to worry about it because these books are spiritual and he just has to open them up and he will get the ability to read them! He said ok and happily gave a nice donation for the set.
It’s Alejandro from Venezuela!
Really nice guy named Alejandro originally from Venezuela now living in Miami! When I stopped him he was saying that he’s a very spiritual guy and he’s been practicing yoga and meditation for many years. He’s really into Buddhism and likes Japanese Shinto meditation techniques. I showed him our set and told him these are the best books on meditation that eastern philosophy has to offer and they pick up from where Buddhism leaves off. He said that he couldn’t even read English very well but I told him not to worry about it because these books are spiritual and he just has to open them up and he will get the ability to read them! He said ok and happily gave a nice donation for the set.
It’s Alejandro from Venezuela!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Introducing the “Gaura Tattva” set!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:Really nice gentleman named TM from Long Island. He told me his name stands for Total Mystery! He received some of our books throughout the years like the “Science of self realization”, “Bhagavad Gita as it is” and the “Srimad Bhagavatam” first canto. He really liked the philosophy and when he saw us chanting in the park today he enthusiastically sat down with us to chant for over an hour while playing the shakers. I talked to him at one point about getting some more books and I told him that I want to show him a one of kind set because today is a special day, it’s the birthday of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We went to the book table and I showed him some paintings of Mahaprabhu and explained how He came to give us the greatest wealth of the spiritual world.
I quoted the verse from Narottama Das thakur “Golokera Prema dhana Harinam sankirtan” (The transcendental vibration of hari-nama-sankirtana is imported from the spiritual world). He told me that he remembers reading about Chaitanya in one of the books he already has. I asked him to please take the set and he can know everything about Lord Chaitanya and His amazing pastimes. I encouraged him and said that it’s a once in a lifetime investment and he agreed. He told me that he’s on his bike and asked if I could ship the set to his house and I said sure no problem. While he was giving me his address and paying for the set he added some extra money as a donation so I also included a “Sapta” set as an extra gift! Afterwards he sat down in the kirtan again for another half an hour! He promised to visit our ashram for a Sunday feast program.
Introducing the “Gaura Tattva” set!
TM Davy from Long Island receives a “Chaitanya Charitamrita” set plus a
“Saptarishi” set together from Mahotsaha prabhu! Nitai Gaura Haribol!
Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Alex was walking by and did a namaste bowing his head down with folded palms and I was happily surprised. He’s a student at St Francis college in Brooklyn! He mentioned that he has some Indian friends who speak Telugu and I told him that I also speak Telugu! His girlfriend is also Telugu and likes to read lots of spiritual books from the Vedas so I showed him our set then paraphrased a verse from the Srimad Bhagavatam 2.1.4:
“Persons devoid of ātma-tattva do not inquire into the problems of life, being too attached to the fallible soldiers like the body, children and wife. Although sufficiently experienced, they still do not see their inevitable destruction.”
More or less explaining to him that he has to be spiritually inquisitive being an educated intelligent person as he is and start developing some material detachment at the same time. He liked what I said and agreed to buy the books for him and his girlfriend and told me that he’s very excited for her to see them.
Alex, he’s a student from St Francis college!
Alex was walking by and did a namaste bowing his head down with folded palms and I was happily surprised. He’s a student at St Francis college in Brooklyn! He mentioned that he has some Indian friends who speak Telugu and I told him that I also speak Telugu! His girlfriend is also Telugu and likes to read lots of spiritual books from the Vedas so I showed him our set then paraphrased a verse from the Srimad Bhagavatam 2.1.4:
“Persons devoid of ātma-tattva do not inquire into the problems of life, being too attached to the fallible soldiers like the body, children and wife. Although sufficiently experienced, they still do not see their inevitable destruction.”
More or less explaining to him that he has to be spiritually inquisitive being an educated intelligent person as he is and start developing some material detachment at the same time. He liked what I said and agreed to buy the books for him and his girlfriend and told me that he’s very excited for her to see them.
Alex, he’s a student from St Francis college!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Nice young gentleman originally from the Dominican Republic named Christian now living in the Bronx. When I stopped him I told him he looks real peaceful and asked him if he likes to read? He told me he loves to read and pointed to the Bhagavad Gita and said: “that book changed my life!” He started telling me that for a long time he was an atheist and wasn’t at all a believer in God but one day somehow or other he got his hands on Srila Prabhupada’s “Bhagavad Gita as it is” through a friend and after reading it he was convinced that God exists. He’s familiar with the Vedas and with Krishna and has wanted to get more of the books. He told me that he was recently traveling and took 3 books with him including the Gita because he loves it so much. So I showed him our set and he was so excited to get it. He also promised to come to our Sunday feast program soon. He’s currently working as a financial accountant at a Bank of America branch in the financial Wall Street district not far from where the Harinam was set up today.
It’s Christian from the Dominican Republic!
Nice young gentleman originally from the Dominican Republic named Christian now living in the Bronx. When I stopped him I told him he looks real peaceful and asked him if he likes to read? He told me he loves to read and pointed to the Bhagavad Gita and said: “that book changed my life!” He started telling me that for a long time he was an atheist and wasn’t at all a believer in God but one day somehow or other he got his hands on Srila Prabhupada’s “Bhagavad Gita as it is” through a friend and after reading it he was convinced that God exists. He’s familiar with the Vedas and with Krishna and has wanted to get more of the books. He told me that he was recently traveling and took 3 books with him including the Gita because he loves it so much. So I showed him our set and he was so excited to get it. He also promised to come to our Sunday feast program soon. He’s currently working as a financial accountant at a Bank of America branch in the financial Wall Street district not far from where the Harinam was set up today.
It’s Christian from the Dominican Republic!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Loretta originally from Mexico now living in Queens. She’s a film student and works a part time job as well. When I saw her I told her that she looks so peaceful and she said: “Thanks I guess It’s been working!” I asked her: “please tell me what’s been working?” She told me that she’s been reading and learning about different kinds of meditation to attain a higher state of consciousness! I asked her: “Wow that’s amazing, please tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like to read?” She answered 7 so I showed her our Sapta set and asked her: “How many books are in this set?” She looked at the books then looked at me and said: “7. wow!” She gave a nice donation and told me she’s looking forward to read the books.
It’s Loretta from Mexico!
Loretta originally from Mexico now living in Queens. She’s a film student and works a part time job as well. When I saw her I told her that she looks so peaceful and she said: “Thanks I guess It’s been working!” I asked her: “please tell me what’s been working?” She told me that she’s been reading and learning about different kinds of meditation to attain a higher state of consciousness! I asked her: “Wow that’s amazing, please tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like to read?” She answered 7 so I showed her our Sapta set and asked her: “How many books are in this set?” She looked at the books then looked at me and said: “7. wow!” She gave a nice donation and told me she’s looking forward to read the books.
It’s Loretta from Mexico!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Nice mother with her two sons originally from Puerto Rico. She was walking by and I asked her if she likes to read and she answered yes she reads a lot. Her two sons are also really into reading and they all read together daily so I naturally showed her our set and the first thing she said was: “wow that’s definitely a lot of books!” I explained the books briefly to her that they’re ancient books of wisdom on spiritual knowledge from India meant to help us understand the Absolute truth and guide us to break free from the cycle of birth and death. She was very humble and just took out her wallet and gave me the donation I asked for without any hesitation. It was very ecstatic to see her and her two sons get Lord Chaitanya’s mercy.
Mother and son from Puerto Rico!
Nice mother with her two sons originally from Puerto Rico. She was walking by and I asked her if she likes to read and she answered yes she reads a lot. Her two sons are also really into reading and they all read together daily so I naturally showed her our set and the first thing she said was: “wow that’s definitely a lot of books!” I explained the books briefly to her that they’re ancient books of wisdom on spiritual knowledge from India meant to help us understand the Absolute truth and guide us to break free from the cycle of birth and death. She was very humble and just took out her wallet and gave me the donation I asked for without any hesitation. It was very ecstatic to see her and her two sons get Lord Chaitanya’s mercy.
Mother and son from Puerto Rico!
Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nice humble guy from the Bronx named Zack. He was very enthusiastic and he actually approached me so I was really surprised and happy. He was very much interested in spirituality and told me that he’s been looking for real spiritual knowledge his whole life and he loves to read. I quoted a verse to him from the Gita 7.16-17:
“O best among the Bharatas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me – the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute.”
I explained that Krishna is more pleased when a person wants to sincerely receive transcendental knowledge about Him than someone who just asks Him for some wealth or material happiness. I showed him our set but he said that he only works a part time job right now and he can’t afford all the books so I quoted another Gita verse “ye yatha mam prapadyante” (As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly) Then he said ok he will bite the bullet and buy the books.
It’s Zack from the Bronx!
Nice humble guy from the Bronx named Zack. He was very enthusiastic and he actually approached me so I was really surprised and happy. He was very much interested in spirituality and told me that he’s been looking for real spiritual knowledge his whole life and he loves to read. I quoted a verse to him from the Gita 7.16-17:
“O best among the Bharatas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me – the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute.”
I explained that Krishna is more pleased when a person wants to sincerely receive transcendental knowledge about Him than someone who just asks Him for some wealth or material happiness. I showed him our set but he said that he only works a part time job right now and he can’t afford all the books so I quoted another Gita verse “ye yatha mam prapadyante” (As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly) Then he said ok he will bite the bullet and buy the books.
It’s Zack from the Bronx!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nice young lady from South London named Nadel. She got a copy of a small book called “Elevation to Krishna consciousness” from some devotees in London some time ago and always remembers the picture on the cover of Krishna showing the entire universe from inside his mouth to Mother Yashoda! She thought that was so cool and she also liked reading the book. She asked me if we have any books on Shiva and I told her we have books on Shiva’s master Krishna! I showed her our set and told her that this human form of life is very rare so she should take the opportunity and perfect her life by reading these books and applying the knowledge in her life. I also mentioned that we’re fortunate to take birth during the sankirtan movement of Lord Chaitanya and we can show our gratitude by reading the books and raising our consciousness to the eternal spiritual reality.
It’s Nadel from South London!
Nice young lady from South London named Nadel. She got a copy of a small book called “Elevation to Krishna consciousness” from some devotees in London some time ago and always remembers the picture on the cover of Krishna showing the entire universe from inside his mouth to Mother Yashoda! She thought that was so cool and she also liked reading the book. She asked me if we have any books on Shiva and I told her we have books on Shiva’s master Krishna! I showed her our set and told her that this human form of life is very rare so she should take the opportunity and perfect her life by reading these books and applying the knowledge in her life. I also mentioned that we’re fortunate to take birth during the sankirtan movement of Lord Chaitanya and we can show our gratitude by reading the books and raising our consciousness to the eternal spiritual reality.
It’s Nadel from South London!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Owen met the Harinam devotees a couple of years ago in Union square park and started attending the Wednesday night programs at 26 second avenue that we were doing at the time. When we stopped doing the NYC Harinam Wednesday night programs due to lack of man power we told him that he should go to the weekly Saturday night Bhagavad Gita programs and he’s been attending those programs regularly since then. When I first met him I distributed a copy of the Srimad Bhagavatam (1st canto) to him and he read it all in one day. He’s a college student who’s really into philosophy and told me he’s very interested in getting a Srimad Bhagavatam set once he gets enough money put aside for it. When I went to the 26 second avenue program last night I spoke to him and told him that I have a Lilamrita set on me and he would appreciate reading it. I told him it’s Srila Prabhupada’s biography and he would like it because he can learn more about Srila Prabhupada’s amazing life especially since he’s been coming to 26 second avenue every week for the past two years.
Owen gets Srila Prabhupada’s mercy at the weekly Saturday 26 second avenue “Bhagavad Gita” program! Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set! {7 Maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Roberto was walking by eating a granola bar and I said: “bro I love your hairstyle it’s just like mine. We must be friends from a past life!” He started laughing and I told him: “man I want you to read these books.” He asked me why? So I paraphrased this nice verse from the Srimad bhagavatam “After many, many births and deaths one achieves the rare human form of life, which, although temporary, affords one the opportunity to attain the highest perfection. Thus a sober human being should quickly endeavor for the ultimate perfection of life as long as his body, which is always subject to death, has not fallen down and died. After all, sense gratification is available even in the most abominable species of life, whereas Kṛṣṇa consciousness is possible only for a human being.”
He was impressed and told me that he understands where I was coming from but he can’t take the books right now so I humbly replied: “you’ve been saying no to Krishna since time immemorial but don’t make Him wait anymore.” Then he said: “man you’re know you’re right!” and bought the books!
It’s Roberto from New Jersey!
Roberto was walking by eating a granola bar and I said: “bro I love your hairstyle it’s just like mine. We must be friends from a past life!” He started laughing and I told him: “man I want you to read these books.” He asked me why? So I paraphrased this nice verse from the Srimad bhagavatam “After many, many births and deaths one achieves the rare human form of life, which, although temporary, affords one the opportunity to attain the highest perfection. Thus a sober human being should quickly endeavor for the ultimate perfection of life as long as his body, which is always subject to death, has not fallen down and died. After all, sense gratification is available even in the most abominable species of life, whereas Kṛṣṇa consciousness is possible only for a human being.”
He was impressed and told me that he understands where I was coming from but he can’t take the books right now so I humbly replied: “you’ve been saying no to Krishna since time immemorial but don’t make Him wait anymore.” Then he said: “man you’re know you’re right!” and bought the books!
It’s Roberto from New Jersey!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
When I met this nice Guyanese gentleman the first thing he mentioned is that he’s been really suffering lately in his life and he doesn’t know what’s going on. He’s working really hard for long hours and for many years but he feels overwhelmed trying to keep up with all his finances. I told him that Krishna is in his heart and He’s waiting for him to turn his face back towards him and I quoted the verse “Kṛṣṇa-bahirmukha hañā bhoga vāñchā kare..” I also told him that money won’t make him happy, that real happiness comes when we turn our consciousness and attention to Krishna and not towards money and material success because those things are temporary. He was very humble and was agreeing with me. I continued telling him that the best thing for him to do is to come to the temple, associate with the devotees, take some prasadam, listen to kirtan and read these books then he won’t feel so frustrated with his life anymore. He told me that he hasn’t been to temple in a long time and was appreciating what I was saying and said ok he will start doing that soon. I gave him our ashram card so he can come for our Sunday feast program.
It’s Andrew from Guyana!
When I met this nice Guyanese gentleman the first thing he mentioned is that he’s been really suffering lately in his life and he doesn’t know what’s going on. He’s working really hard for long hours and for many years but he feels overwhelmed trying to keep up with all his finances. I told him that Krishna is in his heart and He’s waiting for him to turn his face back towards him and I quoted the verse “Kṛṣṇa-bahirmukha hañā bhoga vāñchā kare..” I also told him that money won’t make him happy, that real happiness comes when we turn our consciousness and attention to Krishna and not towards money and material success because those things are temporary. He was very humble and was agreeing with me. I continued telling him that the best thing for him to do is to come to the temple, associate with the devotees, take some prasadam, listen to kirtan and read these books then he won’t feel so frustrated with his life anymore. He told me that he hasn’t been to temple in a long time and was appreciating what I was saying and said ok he will start doing that soon. I gave him our ashram card so he can come for our Sunday feast program.
It’s Andrew from Guyana!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls: Very spiritual
young lady named Annabel originally from Puerto Rico now living in New
York. She works at City tech in Brooklyn (NYC College of technology).
She’s really into practicing yoga daily and recently started getting into
meditation and wants to learn more about it. She was kind hearted and
friendly so I showed her our set and told her that these books are the
original authorized ancient yoga scriptures from India and they will
help her in her yoga practice. I explained how the books are full of
wonderful descriptions of Krishna, how He’s the most attractive Supreme
transcendental Personality. I continued telling her that this spiritual
knowledge will give her full realization of Krishna if she sincerely
applies the knowledge in her life. She was very interested and gave a
nice donation.
It’s Annabel from Puerto Rico!
It’s Annabel from Puerto Rico!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I was praying to Krishna to somehow use me as His instrument and this nice guy Edward from New Jersey just walked up to me! He had bought some books from me a few months ago, a copy of the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Science of self realization. He ended up giving the books out as Christmas gifts to a few of his friends who are into meditation. This time I showed him our full “Sapta” set and told him he should take it for himself and he can also share some of the books with more of his friends! I was explaining to him that according to the Bhagavatam this human body, which can award all benefit in life, is a very rare achievement. It can be compared to a perfectly constructed boat having the spiritual master as the captain and the instructions of the Personality of Godhead as the favorable winds. I also mentioned that the human being is the only one who can cross the ocean of material existence with the help of this spiritual knowledge other beings like animals don’t have the same intelligence to do it and he was appreciating that point.
It’s Edward from New Jersey!
I was praying to Krishna to somehow use me as His instrument and this nice guy Edward from New Jersey just walked up to me! He had bought some books from me a few months ago, a copy of the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Science of self realization. He ended up giving the books out as Christmas gifts to a few of his friends who are into meditation. This time I showed him our full “Sapta” set and told him he should take it for himself and he can also share some of the books with more of his friends! I was explaining to him that according to the Bhagavatam this human body, which can award all benefit in life, is a very rare achievement. It can be compared to a perfectly constructed boat having the spiritual master as the captain and the instructions of the Personality of Godhead as the favorable winds. I also mentioned that the human being is the only one who can cross the ocean of material existence with the help of this spiritual knowledge other beings like animals don’t have the same intelligence to do it and he was appreciating that point.
It’s Edward from New Jersey!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Ashley and Becky, two friends from the Bronx, were walking by and I noticed one of them had a tattoo on her neck and told her that’s an amazing tattoo and she looks like a such a spiritual person. She told me that she does some meditation so I showed her our set and started explaining a little bit about each book. She particularly liked the “Journey of self discovery” when I told her that it talks about material problems and spiritual solutions and how we can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. They were both very interested in the books but they told me they didn’t have any money now in their budget but they wanted my contact info so they can get them another time maybe. So I said sure no problem, gave them my card and left them both with a good impression hoping they will get the set in the future. Low and behold after half an hour they came back and told me that they’ve been discussing it between themselves and felt they should invest in getting the books and pay for them together so it’s easier on their budget. They each gave half of the total donation for the books and told me they will share the books with each other as well.
Ashley and Becky from the Bronx!
Ashley and Becky, two friends from the Bronx, were walking by and I noticed one of them had a tattoo on her neck and told her that’s an amazing tattoo and she looks like a such a spiritual person. She told me that she does some meditation so I showed her our set and started explaining a little bit about each book. She particularly liked the “Journey of self discovery” when I told her that it talks about material problems and spiritual solutions and how we can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. They were both very interested in the books but they told me they didn’t have any money now in their budget but they wanted my contact info so they can get them another time maybe. So I said sure no problem, gave them my card and left them both with a good impression hoping they will get the set in the future. Low and behold after half an hour they came back and told me that they’ve been discussing it between themselves and felt they should invest in getting the books and pay for them together so it’s easier on their budget. They each gave half of the total donation for the books and told me they will share the books with each other as well.
Ashley and Becky from the Bronx!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
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Bhakta Ram distributes a “𝐒𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} 𝓙𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓻𝓲𝓵𝓪 𝓟𝓻𝓪𝓫𝓱𝓾𝓹𝓪𝓭𝓪! Bhakta Ram...

Ananda prabhu recalls: This nice couple from Atlanta was watching the Harinam party so I waved at them and they came over to the book table....
Krishna prasad prabhu recalls: She walked up to the Harinam. She looked so devotional and I could tell she was from South India. I asked h...
Tatiana and her mother Rosa mother from Ecuador! Tatiana has been studying the Bhagavad Gita for a few years and has attended Gita classes a...