She walked up to the Harinam. She looked so devotional and I could tell she was from South India. I asked her: “are you from Hyderabad?” and she said: "yes wow that’s a good guess!"
Her name is Lakshmi. I told her that’s a beautiful name because Lakshmi Devi is the eternal consort of Lord Narayana.
I asked her: “Do you chant Hare Krishna or go to a temple?” She said she didn’t at present but has been thinking about it more lately.
I told her: “please take these books they will help you reestablish your relationship with Krishna.” One of our devotees asked her if she knows about Lord Balaji the controller of the seven hills. She said of course and smiled.
We then told her: “it’s great if you take these seven books, it’s like taking Lord Balaji with you and getting His blessings!