Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Very nice lady named Canyon and her four kids! I went up to her and asked her if she meditates and she said: “yeah I meditate, as a matter of fact my parents were hippies! I grew up in Detroit and from the time I was 7 years old until I turned 14 years old I was taking care of the peacocks at the Hare Krishna Fisher mansion because my parents used to take me there all the time! I know all about Hare Krishna and they all taught me how to chant but when we moved to Atlanta when I turned 14 we kind of lost touch with the community. But I always hold you all close to my heart and I’ve also been a vegetarian since I was a little kid! Thank you for these wonderful books!” She happily gave a nice donation and said she would come with her kids to our Sunday feast program.
Back home back to Godhead for Canyon and her four kids!
Very nice lady named Canyon and her four kids! I went up to her and asked her if she meditates and she said: “yeah I meditate, as a matter of fact my parents were hippies! I grew up in Detroit and from the time I was 7 years old until I turned 14 years old I was taking care of the peacocks at the Hare Krishna Fisher mansion because my parents used to take me there all the time! I know all about Hare Krishna and they all taught me how to chant but when we moved to Atlanta when I turned 14 we kind of lost touch with the community. But I always hold you all close to my heart and I’ve also been a vegetarian since I was a little kid! Thank you for these wonderful books!” She happily gave a nice donation and said she would come with her kids to our Sunday feast program.
Back home back to Godhead for Canyon and her four kids!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
She loves peacocks!
Ramaraya prabhu recalls:
We were returning to our sankirtan van at the end of the Harinam in Piedmont park and we ran into this nice gentleman and his family originally from Punjab. They live close to the park and were very happy to see us. They told us they knew the Hare Krishna devotees quite well and the wife mentioned that she’s been going to the Atlanta temple since she was a child actually! She and her husband got married at the Atlanta temple by Balabhadra prabhu and they had a wonderful marriage ceremony there. We told them the story of how we ended up coming to Atlanta from New York City and invited them to come to our Sunday feast whenever they could drop by. The mother and daughter were shy to be in the picture but the entire family got some prasadam cookies and they offered a generous donation to support our Harinam sankirtan preaching.
Father and son going back to Godhead!
We were returning to our sankirtan van at the end of the Harinam in Piedmont park and we ran into this nice gentleman and his family originally from Punjab. They live close to the park and were very happy to see us. They told us they knew the Hare Krishna devotees quite well and the wife mentioned that she’s been going to the Atlanta temple since she was a child actually! She and her husband got married at the Atlanta temple by Balabhadra prabhu and they had a wonderful marriage ceremony there. We told them the story of how we ended up coming to Atlanta from New York City and invited them to come to our Sunday feast whenever they could drop by. The mother and daughter were shy to be in the picture but the entire family got some prasadam cookies and they offered a generous donation to support our Harinam sankirtan preaching.
Father and son going back to Godhead!
Ramaraya prabhu & Mahotsaha prabhu distribute a “Saptarishi” set!
{7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Mahotsaha prabhu met this nice young gentleman named Roderick at piedmont park the other day and invited him to come to our Sunday feast program. I started speaking to him during prasadam time and I sparked his interest in getting some books so he ended up happily purchasing a “Saptarishi” set from me! He loved the program and told me he will definitely be coming back regularly to take part again.
It’s Roderick at the Sunday feast program!
Mahotsaha prabhu met this nice young gentleman named Roderick at piedmont park the other day and invited him to come to our Sunday feast program. I started speaking to him during prasadam time and I sparked his interest in getting some books so he ended up happily purchasing a “Saptarishi” set from me! He loved the program and told me he will definitely be coming back regularly to take part again.
It’s Roderick at the Sunday feast program!
Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big
books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Super sweet guy named Ed who was peacefully walking in the park Saturday afternoon. When I saw him I told him how much I love his energy, his dreadlocks and how I especially love all the crystals he was wearing around his neck. I asked him if he wears them for meditation or decoration and he said he wears them to help him meditate and that he’s been meditating for a few years now. I showed him our “Sapta” set and told him that he has to get these revolutionary books. I explained that he can read them and apply the knowledge in his life, and how the books are meant to bring about a revolution in this world’s misdirected civilization. I continued saying that everyone’s looking for a revolution but the problem is that there’s no revolution of consciousness nowadays and these spiritual books are meant to bring about a revolution in consciousness. I explained that these are consciousness expanding literatures and asked him to please read them. I asked him how much he thinks these books would sell in a book store like Barnes and Noble and he said he didn’t really know so I told him that each hard cover book would sell for $30 but we’re monks and we just try to cover our printing and shipping cost. I told him how each book costs us about $7 to print and the whole set would cost $49! Then I did a little rap: “if you can do $49 it’s your time to shine, you’ll be on cloud nine!” Then he looked at me with a smile and said: “is $150 good?” I said yeah that’s perfect then he sent it through on Cashapp so I added a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set as an extra gift and he also had a friend with him who wanted some books so he took another “Sapta” set for him. What’s amazing about this encounter is that Ed is so sincere that he came by our Sunday feast program today and listened to the lecture, joined enthusiastically in the kirtan and honored prasadam too!
Super sweet guy named Ed who was peacefully walking in the park Saturday afternoon. When I saw him I told him how much I love his energy, his dreadlocks and how I especially love all the crystals he was wearing around his neck. I asked him if he wears them for meditation or decoration and he said he wears them to help him meditate and that he’s been meditating for a few years now. I showed him our “Sapta” set and told him that he has to get these revolutionary books. I explained that he can read them and apply the knowledge in his life, and how the books are meant to bring about a revolution in this world’s misdirected civilization. I continued saying that everyone’s looking for a revolution but the problem is that there’s no revolution of consciousness nowadays and these spiritual books are meant to bring about a revolution in consciousness. I explained that these are consciousness expanding literatures and asked him to please read them. I asked him how much he thinks these books would sell in a book store like Barnes and Noble and he said he didn’t really know so I told him that each hard cover book would sell for $30 but we’re monks and we just try to cover our printing and shipping cost. I told him how each book costs us about $7 to print and the whole set would cost $49! Then I did a little rap: “if you can do $49 it’s your time to shine, you’ll be on cloud nine!” Then he looked at me with a smile and said: “is $150 good?” I said yeah that’s perfect then he sent it through on Cashapp so I added a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set as an extra gift and he also had a friend with him who wanted some books so he took another “Sapta” set for him. What’s amazing about this encounter is that Ed is so sincere that he came by our Sunday feast program today and listened to the lecture, joined enthusiastically in the kirtan and honored prasadam too!
Ed receives a “Parasurama” super set from Mahotsaha prabhu! 2 “Saptarishi” sets and a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together! {21 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Ed came by the Sunday feast program! He got some japa beads too!
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Really nice gentleman named Amari who was walking in the park with his wife and son. The devotees were leading kirtan at one spot and he stopped to listen and check it out then Chanchal prabhu noticed him and called me over to go talk to him because he looked very interested. So I went over to him with some books and I noticed that he was wearing a silver necklace so I asked him if he wears it for meditation or decoration? He said he wears it for meditation so I told him that I have something real special for him and showed him our “Sapta” set. I explained how these are the seven most important books in the whole world. I said: “let me ask you a question, how many chakras do we have?” He said he’s pretty sure it’s seven and I said: “yes right, how many books do I have in my hands?” He counted them and said: “Wow there’s seven books there!” I told him: “Yes exactly, these books will help you understand how to become the greatest soul you can ever be and help you understand how you can break from the cycle of birth, death, disease and old age. Also they can show you how to be happy forever! Some people are happy temporarily but you can be happy eternally so please take these wonderful books home with you!”
Really nice gentleman named Amari who was walking in the park with his wife and son. The devotees were leading kirtan at one spot and he stopped to listen and check it out then Chanchal prabhu noticed him and called me over to go talk to him because he looked very interested. So I went over to him with some books and I noticed that he was wearing a silver necklace so I asked him if he wears it for meditation or decoration? He said he wears it for meditation so I told him that I have something real special for him and showed him our “Sapta” set. I explained how these are the seven most important books in the whole world. I said: “let me ask you a question, how many chakras do we have?” He said he’s pretty sure it’s seven and I said: “yes right, how many books do I have in my hands?” He counted them and said: “Wow there’s seven books there!” I told him: “Yes exactly, these books will help you understand how to become the greatest soul you can ever be and help you understand how you can break from the cycle of birth, death, disease and old age. Also they can show you how to be happy forever! Some people are happy temporarily but you can be happy eternally so please take these wonderful books home with you!”
It’s Amari with his wife and son!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Really sweet guy named Cristan who just came up to me very enthusiastically and asked me what kind of books I had in my hands. I was actually praying to Krishna just a few minutes before to please send me someone sincere to take Srila Prabhupada’s books then I ran into Cristan. He was very friendly and said: “hey what's up, what are those books about man? Please show me!” So I showed him our Sapta set right away and he recognized the “Science of self realization” and told me that he bought one from a monk like me at a festival last year.
Cristan gets Krishna’s mercy!
Really sweet guy named Cristan who just came up to me very enthusiastically and asked me what kind of books I had in my hands. I was actually praying to Krishna just a few minutes before to please send me someone sincere to take Srila Prabhupada’s books then I ran into Cristan. He was very friendly and said: “hey what's up, what are those books about man? Please show me!” So I showed him our Sapta set right away and he recognized the “Science of self realization” and told me that he bought one from a monk like me at a festival last year.
Cristan gets Krishna’s mercy!
Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Really nice friendly lady named Velvet. It was really amazing, I was putting gas in the car at the gas station and she was on the phone speaking to someone but stopped talking just to ask me: “what’s the robes all about, what are you all wearing?” So I told her that we’re Hare Krishna monks and she asked me to come over and explain more to her. I told her that she looks like a peaceful person but she said: “really you think so because my mind is all out of control.” I said exactly that’s why you need to do meditation then showed her our “Sapta” set. She told me she doesn’t really like to read so much but I explained the books to her anyway and told her how we accept donations for them. Then she said: “I got good vibes from you and I want to help you guys out with a contribution.” She gave a nice donation from her heart and I gave her the set of books and she was very happy.
At the gas station!
Really nice friendly lady named Velvet. It was really amazing, I was putting gas in the car at the gas station and she was on the phone speaking to someone but stopped talking just to ask me: “what’s the robes all about, what are you all wearing?” So I told her that we’re Hare Krishna monks and she asked me to come over and explain more to her. I told her that she looks like a peaceful person but she said: “really you think so because my mind is all out of control.” I said exactly that’s why you need to do meditation then showed her our “Sapta” set. She told me she doesn’t really like to read so much but I explained the books to her anyway and told her how we accept donations for them. Then she said: “I got good vibes from you and I want to help you guys out with a contribution.” She gave a nice donation from her heart and I gave her the set of books and she was very happy.
At the gas station!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot}! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Monday, June 8, 2020
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Nice gentleman named Phil from the upper west side of Manhattan! He’s actually the Buddhist leader of Inwood (a neighborhood located at the northern tip of Manhattan Island.) He saw me walking on the street going to pick up our ashram car to move it and he asked me: “if we’re moving?” Apparently he lives on the same block and he saw the moving truck today parked in front of our ashram. I told him yes we’re moving to Atlanta, Georgia. He said: “Oh I’m so sad to hear that, you guys brought such good energy to this whole block and to the city. We’re gonna miss your presence here.” I thanked him then he asked me what we practice exactly as monks so I showed him a “Sapta” set that I had in the car with me and started explaining each of the books. He told me that he already has a Bhagavad Gita and that he would really like to learn more about our tradition because all of his interactions with us have been very positive. He was very interested in seeing what we have to offer in terms of our philosophy and he said he wants to contribute and support us because times are tough right now so he took the set.
Nice gentleman named Phil from the upper west side of Manhattan! He’s actually the Buddhist leader of Inwood (a neighborhood located at the northern tip of Manhattan Island.) He saw me walking on the street going to pick up our ashram car to move it and he asked me: “if we’re moving?” Apparently he lives on the same block and he saw the moving truck today parked in front of our ashram. I told him yes we’re moving to Atlanta, Georgia. He said: “Oh I’m so sad to hear that, you guys brought such good energy to this whole block and to the city. We’re gonna miss your presence here.” I thanked him then he asked me what we practice exactly as monks so I showed him a “Sapta” set that I had in the car with me and started explaining each of the books. He told me that he already has a Bhagavad Gita and that he would really like to learn more about our tradition because all of his interactions with us have been very positive. He was very interested in seeing what we have to offer in terms of our philosophy and he said he wants to contribute and support us because times are tough right now so he took the set.
Phil receives a “Saptarishi” set from Gopal Champu prabhu! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
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Bhakta Ram distributes a “πππ©πππ«π’π¬π‘π’” set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} ππͺπ π’π»π²π΅πͺ ππ»πͺπ«π±πΎπΉπͺππͺ! Bhakta Ram...

Ananda prabhu recalls: This nice couple from Atlanta was watching the Harinam party so I waved at them and they came over to the book table....
Krishna prasad prabhu recalls: She walked up to the Harinam. She looked so devotional and I could tell she was from South India. I asked h...
Tatiana and her mother Rosa mother from Ecuador! Tatiana has been studying the Bhagavad Gita for a few years and has attended Gita classes a...