Doug just came up to the book table today and said “Hare Krishna.” He asked me if we had some Tulsi neck beads so I gave him one set plus some prasadam and he was very grateful. He immediately gave a generous donation so I offered him our “Sapta” set. He’s one of the original founding members of the Cromags with whom he played guitar and wrote songs.
He spent a lot of time volunteering with Adi Purusha prabhu and his food for life program in Tompkins square park as well as inspiring many souls to take up Krishna consciousness through his music.
More recently he’s been taking care of his mother who had dimensia for the past five years. She recently passed away and now he’s trying to focus more on his spiritual life and his progress in Krishna consciousness. He does yoga and workouts every day to keep in shape. He spent a few hours with the Harinam party today chanting in the kirtan. He had a really nice time with the devotees and was very thankful.