Bhakta Dayaal receives a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set and a “Brihad Bhagavatamrita” set that were shipped to his home in Virginia by Gopal Champu prabhu! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Bhakta Dayaal writes:“So thankful for the NYC Harinam for these books and allowing me the opportunity to support the harinam sankirtan movement! I owe so much to the association of Vaishnavas and the Krishna consciousness movement. It brought me out of an incredible rough and dark time in my life and it was the light in my dark tunnel. It brought me to a compassionate vegetarian lifestyle and started my sadhana and brought me to the wonderful practice of harinam sankirtan which continues to spread to many souls like myself around the world. I was saved by Harinam and the mercy of the Vaishnavas who welcomed me with open arms. Truly Sri Sri Radha-Krishna and Sri Nitai Gauranga are so merciful to me, someone as low as myself doesn’t deserve that kind of mercy and for that I am eternally grateful for their compassion. My life was saved by them and I will keep Sri Nama Prabhu in my heart until my last day. Jai Sri Sri Radhe Shyam! Jai Sri Nitai Gauranga! Hare Krishna! “