Monday, May 20, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Milan is a 29 years old successful business owner.
While I was talking to him and showing him the books this nice lady came to the book table and was listening to what I was telling him about the books.

Then we started all talking together. She told me that she has cancer and asked if these books talk about healing?
I answered her: β€œYes of course they will heal you from birth, death, old age and disease.” She said she couldn’t afford them even though she really wanted to read them. At that point Milan who owns a pharmacy business said he will sponsor the set for her and he wants a set for himself as well. It was a great moment! Book distribution all around!

Bronx Ratha yatra!
Kindling the fire of transcendental knowledge.
πŸ’₯Mahotsaha prabhu distributes 2 β€œSaptarishi” sets together! Jay Srila Prabhupada!🌺

Bhakta Ram distributes a β€œπ’πšπ©π­πšπ«π’π¬π‘π’β€ set! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} 𝓙π“ͺ𝔂 𝓒𝓻𝓲𝓡π“ͺ π“Ÿπ“»π“ͺ𝓫𝓱𝓾𝓹π“ͺ𝓭π“ͺ! Bhakta Ram...