Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Angali from Chandigarh!
I was praying to do another set before we finish up the Harinam for the day and I noticed that she was standing close by. I went up to her and she told me it’s amazing that I came up to her because she
was just having a conversation with a friend of hers about Goddess Kali. Even though she’s Indian she doesn’t really know much about the spiritual culture and asked me to tell her about Kali.
I explained that she’s the material energy of Krishna and she’s often referred to as Shakti and her followers are called Shaktas. I showed her our set and told her everything is clearly explained about the material and spiritual energies especially in the Bhagavad Gita.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!