Thursday, September 19, 2019

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Very nice lady from Spain. She moved to New York City two years ago to become a Spanish teacher. She was just walking by and I saw her then she smiled. She was friendly especially when I spoke to her in Spanish.
I was tel
ling her that these books give real education since she’s a teacher she can teach them to her students and also get the spiritual benefit. When I put the books in a bag for her to carry she said oh wow man this is heavy and I said it’s a good work out. She asked me how often we’re out here chanting because she wants to come and join us again soon. She wanted to give me a kiss on the cheek goodbye but I folded my hands and told her that I’m a monk so she offered respect also by folding her palms!

Christina from Spain gets the mercy!
Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!