mataji is from Greece originally but has been living in New York for
the past ten years. Besides being a kind Vaishnavi devotee, she’s also
an immigration lawyer with a heart of gold always doing different
services for the Iskcon devotee
community with her legal skills. She’s provided legal assistance to
“Radha Govinda” Brooklyn temple as well the “Gita Nagari” farm in
Pennsylvania on many occasions. She’s also been contributing donations
to the NYC Harinam regularly as well as helping us with the NYC parks
and recreation dept so our Harinam sankirtan and book distribution in
Union square park can continue for many years to come. We are indebted
to her and are very thankful for her support.
receives a “Chaitanya Charitamrita” set that was shipped to her home in
Brooklyn, New York by Gopal Champu prabhu! Nitai Gaura Haribol! Jay
Srila Prabhupada!