Saturday, March 28, 2020

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I was introduced to Julian by a devotee friend named Dina Bandu Prabhu who also lives out in New Jersey like Julian. Both Julian, Dina Bandhu and I are musicians so we all got along nicely. Julian and I really hit it off right
from the start back when I was a bhakta not only because we were all musicians but also because we had Krishna consciousness in common. I used to play bass and Julian plays music professionally; He’s very talented and plays guitar, bass, violin, drums and sings too! Every time I went to the CNJ temple (central New Jersey) I’d hang out with him and we became friends. He’s visited the NYC Harinam many times throughout the years and chanted with everybody in the kirtan in Union square park. He loves our Harinam & wanted to support our book distribution as well. When I spoke to him on the phone a few weeks ago and told him that we’re trying to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books through the mail during this difficult time he wanted to give a donation to help us and purchased a “Saptarishi” set because he thought it would make a great present for a good friend of his.

Julian receives a “Saptarishi” set that was shipped to his home in New Jersey by Mahotsaha prabhu! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!