I met Michael about 3 years ago in New York City in Union Square park one afternoon while the Harinam was going on and I was distributing books. He really enjoyed the kirtan and took a copy of the “Bhagavad Gita as it is” from me at the time and we also added each other as friends on Facebook. He’s actually a popular certified yoga teacher in California now and three of his yoga students bought “Sapta” sets from me in the past year. He’s been a long time vegan and received his yoga certification from legendary yoga master Dharma Mittra. Before moving to California he opened one of the first yoga studios in the Bronx where he became famous for teaching a special style of class called “Awakened Warrior Yoga” which is a combination of yoga and martial arts because he’s also a black belt. I recently got back in touch with him and we discussed about how bad this current pandemic situation is and how to understand it through the concept of karma. We also spoke about Krishna and how much he liked reading the “Bhagavad Gita as it is” with Srila Prabhupada’s unique purports. He told me that he recently lost his copy of the Gita that I distributed to him and has been thinking about getting another one! So I told him about the “Sapta” set then explained about each book in the set and he decided to get it immediately and ordered it from me over the phone with his credit card. I shipped it out to him right away and asked him to send me a picture of him with the set when he got it!
Michael receives a “Saptarishi” set that was shipped to his home in California by Mahotsaha prabhu! {7 Maha & big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!
We also created an ebay account for people to order “Saptarishi” sets shipped directly to their house: