Saturday, February 22, 2020

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nice pious Indian lady named Aishwarya now living in west Harlem. When she walked by, out of inspiration, I just screamed out “Hare Krishna!” and she said “Hare Krishna” back with a smile. I was in a happy ecstatic mood doing books so I showed her our Sapta set at first and told her that we have an ashram in west Harlem. It turns out that she knows the devotees and her parents are actually initiated devotees for many years. I told her that yesterday was the appearance day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura and it would be auspicious for her to offer some donation to help the preaching effort and she gave $108 right away! So I gave her the “Sapta” and Lilamrita sets together and she was very happy!

It’s Aishwarya from west Harlem!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha & big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!