Saturday, December 21, 2019

Rob has been regularly coming to listen to the Harinam for a few years now. He stands at a distance and watches for hours, sometimes dancing and chanting “Hare Krishna” enthusiastically! He has purchased all of Srila Prabhupada’s books from us and even bought a special book stand to put all the books on it. He always gives donations and today we gave him a ”Bhakta stack” as a gift for his donation. When he saw that this interested gentleman named Manny wanted to get some books but didn’t have any money on him for a donation he offered him the “Bhakta stack” as a gift for the holidays! BTW Rob is no average Joe, he’s actually studied Sanskrit when he was younger and he’s quite knowledgeable about the Vedas.

Rob (NY Yankees hat) sponsors and distributes a “Bhakta stack” to Manny who’s a member of the Nation of Islam! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

“Bhakta stack”:
1-Bhagavad Gita as it is
2-Science of self realization
3-Sri Isopanishad
4-Nectar of instruction