Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
We were distributing books in the hallway at Penn station and they have many police officers and army personnel present for security. This nice gentleman who was on a duty with a few other soldiers was patrolling close by and was looking over. I went over to him and asked him if he was a spiritual guy and he said yes so I showed him our set and told him that it’s the ultimate collection of books on spiritual knowledge. I explained each book a little bit and when I got to the Gita I told him that in this book Krishna, the Supreme personality of Godhead, is talking to his friend Arjuna who’s like the best warrior. Arjuna is having some difficulty making a decision of wether or not to fight and Krishna is instructing him to do his duty and fight. He liked that point I was making then one of his fellows soldiers came up to us and asked me if this is a religion. So I answered: “this is actually beyond religion, for example if I tell you that this body is composed of earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego then apart from all these material elements is the soul in every body you can understand that it’s beyond material designations like black, white, Asian, Hispanic therefore it’s beyond religion and it’s purely spiritual.” He gave a nice donation for the set and said that he was going to leave some of the books in the break room so that the other army officers can also read them!

US Army Private First Class Brathwaite gets Lord Chaitanya’s mercy!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!