Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Really nice guy named Stoney Stardust who lives down the block from our ashram. He always helps out when we have book orders come in.
A few months ago he saw me coming out of the van with a Bhagavatam set and was amazed when he saw it. He eagerly inquired what it was. I told him that it is the “amala purana” the spotless purana, these books contain knowledge about Krishna, his devotees and devotional service. He asked me how much it cost and when I told him the price he became a little discouraged. I sensed that and right away I told him I would make a special deal with him. I said: “Stoney, just give me one dollar every time you see me and once you’ve reach the amount I’ll give you the set.”
Over the next few months he did just that, he started giving me a donation every time he saw me. He got up to a decent amount then just today a nice devotee, Dina Bandhu prabhu, sponsored a Bhagavatam set. So I decided the set should go to Stoney because he was so determined to get one. He came over to the ashram and picked it up. He was overjoyed at receiving such great mercy plus I gave him a Maha garland.

Stoney Stardust gets Krishna’s mercy!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Srimad Bhagavatam” set. Jay Srila Prabhupada!