Really nice gentleman named Hector and his wife from Brooklyn. He’s an army veteran who served in Desert storm on several tours of duty.
When I showed him our set with all 7 books he told me that he was getting goosebumps! He was feeling that this was a special kind of spiritual knowledge. I explained to him about the Bhagavad Gita how Krishna and Arjuna were having a conversation on a battlefield called Kuruksetra, it was intense because Arjuna was in a dilemma about fighting this war and he was having doubts so Krishna was telling him to do his duty and just fight for the sake of the higher good. I told him that we chant the “Hare Krishna” mantra and he told me that he likes to listen to Buddhist chants and mantras on YouTube while he meditates. I gave him the card of the Radha Govinda mandir in Brooklyn and he said he will go visit with his wife.