Friday, November 29, 2019

Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Really nice young lady named Teamy.
She walked by the Harinam when we first started and stopped to talk to me. She was on her way to class at the Brooklyn NYU campus. She told me that she’s really into this kind of spiritual knowledge so I showed her our set but she was in a hurry for class and asked me if she can come by later on and I said sure. She texted me around 6:30pm and told me she will be there at 7:15pm to pick up the set. She was telling me how grateful she is to get these books and how her family and friends think she’s a little weird because she’s into spiritual things. I quoted her verse 7.3 from the Gita “Manusyanam sahasresu” Out of many thousands of people very few actually achieve spiritual perfection. I explained to her that she’s a very rare soul. She asked me how she can make advancement and I told her the best thing is through association with devotees and I gave her the contact info of some lady devotees at the Brooklyn Radha Govinda temple.

She’s a student at NYU Brooklyn campus!
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!