Saturday, November 9, 2019

Devarshi Narada prabhu recalls:
His name is Nicholas which means light!
At first I showed him a “Science of self realization” but then I saw that he was very interested so I showed him our set. He told me that he read the Gita and Srimad bhagavatam 1st canto as well. He moved to Germany recently but he’s a native New Yorker. He’s been to both 26 second avenue Matchless gifts temple and Brooklyn Radha Govinda temple for programs. He likes the Govinda’s restaurant and used to go regularly before he moved to Europe. He’s here on a short visit to see his family and was happy to run into the Harinam. He loves Indian culture and wants to learn more about it. He told me that his ex girlfriend is from India but she wasn’t very interested in spirituality. He’s always been very curious about Buddhism and Hinduism and was real happy to get the set. He gave a nice donation and came back an hour later and gave an extra $10!

Devarshi Narada prabhu distributes his first “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus a “Perfection of yoga”! Jay Srila Prabhupada!