Sunday, November 3, 2019

Bhakta Matt recalls:
When I saw her I told her that she looks very peaceful and she said Hare Krishna and thanked me!
Her husband is an initiated devotee named Giridhari das and they both regularly visit the Radha Govinda mandir temple in Brooklyn. She told me that she has all the books already but when I showed her the Lilamrita she said she didn’t have it! So I encouraged her to take it home and show her husband but at first she said she’s working and going to appointments and couldn’t carry it. Mahotsaha prabhu came over at that point and explained to her that we can ship it to her house directly within a few days. She also didn’t have any cash on her so we told her it’s no problem we accept credit card. It all worked out and she was happy to receive the set which was personally signed by HH Satsvarupa Maharaja.

She’s the wife of an initiated devotee!
Bhakta Matt distributes a signed copy of the “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!