Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ananda prabhu recalls:
Juan from the Dominican Republic.
I saw him walking by and I noticed he was wearing a crystal. I told him it looks nice and he looks like a spiritual guy. He told me he likes to read a lot so I showed him our set and said: “This is everything you need to know about life. These books are five thousand years old, great minds have studied these books like Gandhi, Tupac Shakur, Nelson Mandela. They talk about time, karma, reincarnation, how we can better understand the universe and distinguish reality from illusion.” I told him that we ask for a donation for the printing and shipping cost and at first he gave $40 but then I humbly asked him if he could give a little more and he ended up giving $50. I was telling him that he really deserves these books and I was lucky to meet such a spiritual person like him.

Ananda prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!