Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ananda prabhu recalls:
Juan from the Dominican Republic.
I saw him walking by and I noticed he was wearing a crystal. I told him it looks nice and he looks like a spiritual guy. He told me he likes to read a lot so I showed him our set and said: “This is everything you need to know about life. These books are five thousand years old, great minds have studied these books like Gandhi, Tupac Shakur, Nelson Mandela. They talk about time, karma, reincarnation, how we can better understand the universe and distinguish reality from illusion.” I told him that we ask for a donation for the printing and shipping cost and at first he gave $40 but then I humbly asked him if he could give a little more and he ended up giving $50. I was telling him that he really deserves these books and I was lucky to meet such a spiritual person like him.

Ananda prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Bhakta Jason recalls:
Really humble gentleman René from Barbados!
When I stopped him and he told me that he’s from the Caribbean I said: “Alright that’s my kind of weather, I like Barbados the heat there just chills me out man!” I asked him if he likes to read and he told me that he does some reading every now and then. I showed him our set and told him that these transcendental books expand our consciousness. I explained how we have our own printing company and asked him if he could help us with a donation. Then I asked him how much he thinks the set of books costs and he answered $120. So I said yes in the store they would sell for even more like $200! At first he offered to give $20 but then I asked him if he could give another $20 at least and he did! Before he left he told me that he knows it’s Diwali time and wanted to support us. Then I asked him to please keep these books in his heart and not stop reading them.

René from Barbados!
Bhakta Jason distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I saw him walking down the street in Jersey City where we were doing books for the day and spoke to him. I wished him a Happy Diwali then asked him where he’s from? He told me that’s he’s originally from North India but he and his family have been living in America for many years now. I told him that today’s Laxmi puja! I explained how on Diwali festival time many Indian people eat sweets, buy new clothes and burst some fire crackers but that’s not what Diwali is really all about. I told him Diwali is about knowledge, spiritual knowledge. Then I put a “Sapta” set in his hands and said here’s some knowledge! He gave a very nice donation from his heart so I also added our “Lilamrita”’set and gave the “Origins” magazine to his daughter!

Father and daughter going back to Godhead!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!

Bhakta Jason recalls:
I saw him and asked him if he does meditation and he told me a little. I noticed he had a tattoo of Christian rosary beads on his arm and I told him that it was cool and he liked that.
I told him that he has a good aura and he thanked me. I asked him if he likes to read a lot or a little bit and he answered that he loves to read especially about spiritual things. I showed him our set and told him that these books expand our consciousness so we can be happier. Then he asked me how much and I told him we need $50 to cover our cost and he gave me a brand new $50 bill right away.

Matthew loves to read!
Bhakta Jason distributes his 2nd “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
This is one of our ashram devotees Devarshi’s cousin! When I saw him talking to her I first thought: “he’s a brahmacari, why is he talking to a mataji by himself?” But then he introduced me to her and I told her how much we love Deva because he’s so good hearted and humble. I showed her both of our sets and she ended up taking all the books and gave a generous donation. She told me how the whole family loves Devarshi too because he’s so simple and kind hearted. Before leaving she also invited us to do a program at her home with her family!

Happy Diwali! Jay Sri Ram!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!

Ananda prabhu recalls:
Bhakta Euron first stopped her and spoke to her a little bit. She was telling him that she really loves reading Deepak Chopra’s books and I overheard her then immediately went over to show her our set. I told her that we distributed this very same set to Deepak Chopra a few months ago in Union square park. She was excited to hear that and I explained that she will gain great spiritual insight from reading these books and she really deserves to get them. She told me that she’s been practicing yoga most of her life and loves spirituality. I told her that we’re fortunate to meet someone so spiritual like her and that she will love the books.

She’s a big Deepak Chopra fan!
Ananda prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
She’s a very humble 22 year old young lady studying full time at NYU (New York University). Her family is in California but she’s here for school. I wished her a happy Diwali and she told me that she went to temple the other night. She wanted to support us and when I showed her our set she gave a donation without any hesitation.

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!      

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Very nice young lady named Anisha originally from Nepal. She’s been living in America most of her life but she still had some spiritual belief that she got from her parents. She was pious and friendly. When I showed her our set I told her that these books are for all the cultured women like her. She wanted to support us and she was respectful of us being monks and preaching. She was happy to take the set and gave a nice donation.

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I was on my way back to the ashram and when I entered the subway car this nice gentleman looked over at me. We constantly made eye contact and were smiling at each other so I went over to him and asked him if he likes to meditate and he answered: “Yes, that’s what my life is all about!” I showed him our set and put it in his hands then asked him how many chakras we have and he said 7 then I asked him to count how many books were in his hands and he counted 7. So I said that’s it 7 books to open the 7 chakras! I told him how he looks very Intelligent and how he would appreciate the spiritual value of the books. I got his contact info and he will come visit us for our Sunday feast program.

On his way back to the ashram!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Bhakta Jason stopped this nice young man and tried to give him a set but he couldn’t do it somehow so he called me over. I went up to talk to him. I told him that he looks like a smart guy at least smarter than me and he laughed! I explained about the great minds that have read these books like Gandhi, Bob Marley, Nelson Mandela and how they and many others found guidance in their lives from this spiritual knowledge. I asked him what bands he likes to listen to and it turns out he’s a big fan of the Cro-Mags so I said no way and I showed him our Lord Nrsimhadeva sticker which was one the bands famous album covers! I finally said: “Hey bro $40 don’t mean nothing to you, we know it so just do it! And he did it!”

He loves the “Cro-Mags”
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!



Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Anastasia from Russia!
She’s a full time kundalini yoga instructor here in New York City.
She’s been to Hrishikesh several times for yoga retreats and loves India. I showed her our set and she immediately wanted to take the books. She was very generous with her donation and was very grateful to receive the spiritual knowledge. She thanked us for doing this wonderful kirtan and book distribution.

She channels kundalini energy!  

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nicco from Greece.
He teaches English as a second language at a New York City juvenile detention center or as he also called it prison! He really likes to meditate and wants to learn more about the process. He said that’s he’s an average reader but I told him: “it’s alright just read the books before you die, you have plenty of time.” He was telling me how he wakes up around 4am every day and can’t go back to sleep so I said jockingly if you read the books you will be able to go back to sleep! He wants to be free from anxiety so I read him a Srimad Bhagavatam verse 11.2.37
He asked me who’s Krishna and I told him that He’s the most attractive person. He wants to feel better physically by doing meditation but I told him not to settle for something so low. I explained that beyond the mind is the intellect beyond that is the false ego then beyond that is the soul and above everything is the Supreme soul and He's the goal of meditation! He also told me that he wants to stop drinking tea and coffee and stop watching TV so I encouraged him and told him to read the books and chant Hare Krishna. He gave me his contact info and he will visit our ashram soon.

He’s a teacher in a juvenile detention center!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!                                    

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Wonderful humble lady from China.
As soon as she saw me she said hello and stopped to speak with me. It turns out that she has a cousin in China who’s a devotee for many years. She told me the story of how her cousin and her husband became devotees in China when it was illegal and dangerous, they were being watched by the Chinese government and made it on their black list. Eventually they were able to escape from China and seek asylum in Australia. Before she left she gave me a nice donation so I offered her our “Sapta” set and she happily took it. She told me that her cousin is coming to New York soon and she will take her to our Radha Govinda mandir in Brooklyn.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Bhakta Jason recalls:
This nice gentleman walked right past me then turned around and came up to ask me what we’re doing out here.
I explained that we’re out here teaching meditation and that we’re a group of monks from a center in Manhattan! He told me that he’s from the Jackson heights area of Queens.
I showed him the “Science of self realization” and told him that these spiritual books expand our consciousness. Then I saw he was very interested so I brought him to the book table and put the “Sapta” set in his hands and he said: “Wow! All these books!” I told him that we take donations and he offered $30 at first but Mahotsaha prabhu was standing close by and explained that it takes $50 to cover our cost so he happily added another $20!

Bhakta Jason distributes his first “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
He’s a very nice humble devotee who offered his obeisances to the Harinam when he walked by and saw us chanting! His name is Francisco, he’s been living in New York for the past five years but he’s originally from Paraguay! His girlfriend from back home is also an aspiring devotee and she introduced him to Krishna consciousness. He chants japa everyday and listens to the Bhagavad Gita online and loves listening to kirtans as well. He’s a regular at the Thursday night kirtans at the Bhakti center. He was really open to getting the set and offered a nice donation for it. He also sat in the kirtan with us for over an hour and had a plate of prasadam very happily.

Bhakta Francisco from Paraguay!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
She was walking by very quickly, it was rush hour madness and everyone’s trying to get to their train on time. It was a weird exchange because I didn’t have to really say much. I stopped her and asked her if she likes reading and she said yes. I showed her our set and just said that these are spiritual books from India. I was feeling that I wasn’t telling her much but I was praying to my Gurumaharaja that she gets the books. Then she looked at the books, looked at me and asked me how much. So I told her that most people give $50 as a donation and she said Ok! It all happened so fast that we couldn’t even take a proper picture because she was in a hurry to catch her train!

Rush hour everyone’s in a hurry!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!                                    

Full service with a smile. Making sure they can carry the books home!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Adam Feder, The Shul's Director of Music & Development, a Synagogue for Spiritual Judaism!
When I met him I told him that I love his glasses they look like they’re for the classes not the masses! He laughed. He told me that he’s a guitarist, singer and composer since the age of 10! He feels that music is about listening and connecting spiritually with other people. He’s very devoted to his Jewish faith but likes reading and learning about different faiths as well. He was also telling me that he meditates regularly and that’s he’s read some of Srila Prabhupada’s books before like the Bhagavad Gita as it is. He studied the Philosophy of Religion when he was in college and has been interested in spirituality ever since.

Adam, The Shul's Director of Music & Development, a Synagogue for spiritual Judaism!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I went up to this nice gentleman and said hello. He asked me how I’ve been doing and I answered: “Not as good as you! You’re the main man with the main plan doing what you can to help out the main clan!”
I showed him our set and told him that these books contain spiritual knowledge they don’t teach you in college. He was in happy mood and I asked him: “My brother please take this set home with you today and give a donation. I know you’re young money!” At first he gave me a $20 bill then I enthusiastically asked him to drop another $20 and he did. That was it all in like 30 seconds! I also gave a prasadam cookie, a Jagannath sticker and a big hug!

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

New Castle County Executive, Matt Meyer receives a “Saptarishi” set from Vishnu Citta prabhu and Mahotsaha prabhu! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!            

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Really nice Indian gentleman who was on his way back from a business meeting. At first he told me that he didn’t want any of the books because he already has several of them. Then I asked him where he’s from and he told me that he’s from Hyderabad. So I told him that my best friend is from there too and he’s right here, let me introduce you. He became very enthusiastic to meet him so I called Mahotsaha prabhu over and he came up to him quickly. They spoke to each other in Telugu. Mahotsaha prabhu asked him If he wants a Srimad Bhagavatam set, he could donate a monthly payment towards it instead of paying for it up front but the gentleman told him that he has a full Bhagavatam set already. After a short pause, he volunteered to offer a donation for a “Sapta” set! He was saying that his mother passed away recently and he wanted to offer this donation on her behalf. He also told us that he likes the Hare Krishnas very much and that he spent some time recently in New Vrindaban and really enjoyed his visit. He ended up giving $108 donation so we added the "Prabhupada Lilamrita" as well!

Krishna prasad prabhu and Mahotsaha prabhu distribute a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nice gentleman from Trinidad. I wished him a happy Diwali and gave him a big hug. I asked him jockingly if he likes to eat doubles with paneer and channa (a typical dish from Trinidad) he told me yes that he eats lots of it so I gently rubbed his belly and he laughed. I told him that I have some very special books with me for Diwali. I showed him our set and explained that he will get the mercy of Sita Rama if he reads the books and applies the knowledge in his life.
Trinidadian people really love Sita Rama so he took the set and gave a nice donation!

He’s from Trinidad!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

He’s from Kurukshetra!
Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

He’s from Bangalore!
Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!                            

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Alberto from Pennsylvania is visiting his family in the Queens area of New York City. He was walking by the Harinam and I was super desperate to distribute another “Sapta” set because it was the end of Harinam and almost time to go home. So I just did one of my obnoxiously loud “Hi !!!” and he turned around to look back then I went up to talk to him. It turns out that he loves to read about spiritual things and was very interested in learning about the spiritual knowledge we were offering. I put the “Sapta” set in his hands first and asked him how many chakras we have and he answered that he thinks it’s seven and I said: “yes that’s right, now how many books do you have in your hands?” He counted the books and saw that it was also seven so I explained that it’s seven books to open the seven chakras. I also mentioned how Albert Einstein was regularly studying the Vedas especially the Bhagavad Gita to understand this universe and how God makes it all work. He was amazed and promised that he would start reading the Gita first. He ended up being very generous with his donation that I added the Lilamrita too!

19 year old Alberto from Pennsylvania just stepped into the Krishna zone!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
It all happened in 40 seconds!
Alberto from the Bronx, super nice guy. When I saw him walking by I yelled out: “hey bro you’ve got a Sikha! I’ve got one too check it out!” He became all ecstatic and I immediately put the set in his hands and told him that he’s got the spiritual looks but now he needs to get the spiritual books. I asked him how many Chakras we have and he answered seven correctly then I told him to count the books in his hands and he said wow seven too! He was eager to give a donation right on the spot and take the books home with him. He was telling me how he saw the devotees at the Bronx parade which included a Ratha Yatra cart of Jagannath, Subhadra and Balarama!
He’s been a strict vegetarian for ten years now so I offered him a plate of kichari prasadam which he honored with great enthusiasm. We exchanged numbers and he’s planning on visiting our ashram for the Sunday feast!

The 40 second “Sapta”!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!     

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Really good hearted pious lady from Nepal. When she saw the Harinam party she immediately came over to offer her respects and give a donation. I said Hare Krishna to her and showed her our set because I could tell she was a pious cultured person who appreciated what we’re doing. She told me that she grew up with her grandparents reading the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita to her every day. She was happy to support us and gave a donation right away. It’s always nice to meet favorable people.

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Haziz and Medina, friendly couple on vacation in New York City.
When I saw them I told the gentleman that I really love his energy and asked him if he does any meditation? He asked me jockingly what is meditation? Then he told me that he’s meditating right now and I’m in his dream! It was kind of cool and he was a nice person so I showed him our set and told him: “I’m a monk not a punk we’re distributing these ancient books of spiritual knowledge from India to all the nice people like the both of you!” He told his wife: “Man this guy is good!” So I told him: “I’m not as good as you!” Then he laughed and told his wife: “Wow this guy is really good. He’s a good salesman!” I humbly asked him to please take the books, read them and apply them in his life. He said he didn’t have any cash but I explained that we take credit cards and it was no problem.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:Her name is Kamala, she's from Trinidad and her story is far out. First she told me that she fell asleep on the train before meeting me and missed her stop so she got off the train as soon as she realized to go back the opposite way! While crossing to the other platform she saw the Harinam party and couldn’t believe it. She’s a very pious lady and told me how she found $20 in the street a few days ago but kept it to give in charity to the right person. So when I showed her the set and told her that it’s a perfect arrangement from Krishna she immediately gave me the $20 she had found plus another $30 to cover the full cost of the set. She was really happy the way things worked out and it increased her faith.

She’s from Trinidad and she loves Krishna!
Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Really nice guy from Puerto Rico.
When I ran into him I said: “What’s up my friend do you like meditation and spirituality? Do you like to read?” He told me that he’s not into any kind of meditation and he doesn’t like to read that much! So I told him to please take these books and start reading more! I showed him our set and told him that he looks like a really smart guy at least smarter than me! He laughed and I asked him if he’s heard of Albert Einstein and he said yes so I explained how he used to read these great books of spiritual knowledge from India. He told me that his girlfriend really likes to read about spiritual things so he wanted to get them for her as a gift so I encouraged him by saying that she will really love him for doing that. He told me: “you know you’re right she would like these books but maybe I’ll read them myself too!”

It’s gonna be a gift for his girlfriend!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
She’s a 21 year old student at Hunter college majoring in English literature but she’s really not interested in her major anymore and wants to pursue her passion for dancing. When I first saw her I complimented her on her crystal necklace and asked her if she wears it for decoration, meditation or inspiration. She told me that she’s been meditating for 4 months and she wants to meditate more seriously but her school work is taking too much time. She told me that she really loves reading and wants to learn more about the process of meditation so I said great and showed her our set. I explained how great minds like Emerson, Thoreau and Albert Einstein read these ancient spiritual books from India for spiritual guidance. I told her: “Hey what do you have to lose just get these books and you won’t be the loser trust me.” She agreed and took the set! She also offered a lamp to Damodara’s picture and took a prasadam cookie.

English literature major at Hunter college!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Really kind lady from Columbia.
When I went up to her I said Hare Krishna and she smiled. I asked her if she likes to read in English or Spanish she told me that she wants to read more in English to learn the language better. So I showed her our set and explained how we offer this set of seven books for the seven chakras. She was telling me that she’s regularly doing yoga even while pregnant but today just wasn’t her day because she missed her yoga class due to some family emergency and she’s been running around to different appointments. She showed me some pictures of her yoga school with her yoga class teacher. I asked her for a donation but she sighed and told me she didn’t have her wallet on her! So I just told her it’s ok she can donate directly on our website right from her phone via PayPal and she did it right away! Then I asked her to please read these the books to her child and they will both become Krishna conscious!

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Sandy from Queens, New York.
She was actually a complete mess when I was speaking to her. She told me how she’s a struggling alcoholic and how she’s been very depressed about it because she’s very addicted to drinking. She asked me for help so I showed her our set and told her that these books are the best help for anyone who’s struggling in this material world. She was very open minded and told me how her mother has been asking her to do something spiritual like yoga or some meditation to overcome her alcoholism. She was inspired and offered a nice donation.

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I ran into this nice young lady and told her that I love her hair style and it’s cooler than mine! She laughed. I asked her if she reads a little or a lot? Then I showed her our set and she said: “Oh my God it’s a lot of books”, so I said: “you’ve got the spiritual looks but you don’t have the spiritual books. You need the knowledge that they don’t teach you in college. Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali, Bob Marley, Tupac Shakur and Gandhi, all these great minds have read the Vedas. You deserve these books.”

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Suzanne from Brooklyn.
She came up to the book table so I went up to her and she told me that she wants one of our books. I showed her our set and I said: “why just take one when you can have the entire set. You look very smart at least smarter than me. Albert Einstein was a great follower of the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita along with many other great minds.” Then she asked me about the role of women in our society so I briefly explained that the woman in Krishna consciousness takes care of the household affairs and creates a spiritual atmosphere for raising children in a God centered home life. I continued saying that the women have the most important role while the husband takes care of the maintenance of the family. She told me that it’s a really amazing outlook on the important role of women and she appreciated it. She asked me if we have any podcasts she could listen to so I gave her our YouTube channel page info.

Brooklyn rush hour madness and the sets are going out!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Really pious and good hearted Indian gentleman. When I saw him I wished him a happy Diwali and he thanked me. I told him that we’re trying to spread some blessings to all the New Yorkers for this Diwali festival season and I showed him our set then put it in his hands. He looked surprised but I asked him to please give a donation for Diwali, I just kept repeating that it’s Diwali. At first he offered me $20 and I looked at him and said come on it’s Diwali can you give a little more then finally he gave the full donation for the set and smiled.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
He’s a famous film director and he’s making an upcoming film called “Either side of midnight.” It’s a multi cultural film about New York City. He’s a really nice gentleman who was speaking to Natabara Gauranga prabhu for a while about filming us along with the Harinam party doing a stand up kirtan. He wanted me to stand in front of the kirtan party and when the main actor passed by I would stop him and ask him to chant with us. The film story is about a Jewish man who’s on a journey to meet up with his girlfriend who’s all the way across town. Along the way he meets various people from different religions and interacts with them. He came up to me before they started filming and explained the whole process and what they were planning to do so I just told him jokingly that we’ll do it if he takes some of our books. I showed him a “Sapta” and he said: "Ok I’ll take it." He gave a very generous donation for our participation in the film so I also added the Lilamrita set.

Famous film director Roger Spottiswoode!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I was praying to do a set because it was the first day of kartik. I was trying my best and then I saw this nice lady and told her that I love her energy. She said thank you and smiled. It turns out she’s a yoga teacher at the Om factory specializing in aerial yoga. She’s unbelievably 46 years old even though she looks half her age, she said it’s because of all the years of yoga practice and being vegan. I put a “Sapta” set in her hands and asked her how many chakras we have, she said seven and then I asked her to count how many books she had in her hands and she said seven! Afterwards she was telling me that she doesn’t have any cash on her but I told her it’s ok we accept credit cards. She said that’s great and took the set. I also gave her a Maha garland from the Gaura Nitai deities in Towaco temple that Keshav Ananda prabhu brought back with him from his visit there.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus a Maha garland! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
It was the end of the Harinam and I ran into this nice young lady and her friend. She was dancing to the kirtan and I complimented her on her cool dance moves. I didn’t have much time since we had to start packing up so I showed her our set and told her that these are the best spiritual books and she deserves to get them. After I put the books in her hands she was holding them very close as if hugging them. I didn’t even have to do much and it felt to me that she was waiting many lifetimes to get back in touch with Krishna through Srila Prabhupada’s books. It was kartik magic and it all happened very quickly!

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
These two friends were in a good mood exploring the farmers market in Union square park and they stopped to watch the Harinam and take a video of the kirtan. Priya Krishna prabhu pointed them out to me so I went up to them. I asked them if they’re from India, they told me originally yes but they’re born in America. I found out that they actually had no idea of Krishna or didn’t know much about the spiritual culture of India. Their parents have some books like the Gita but they didn’t know any philosophy themselves. They wanted to get a “Sapta” set but they only offered $20 donation at first so I explained to them what we were doing out in the park with daily chanting of Krishna’s names and distribution of Krishna consciousness books to help people get back into spiritual life and reconnect with Krishna. They could understand what we were about and they both agreed to give the full donation for the set very respectfully.

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Really nice Indian gentleman from Gujarat in New York City as a tourist with his family. They were sight seeing in Times Square and when they saw the Harinam party walk by he started dancing with all the funny Indian old style Bollywood moves from the classic films. It was cute and entertaining to the people around us watching the walking Harinam party. He told me that he loves what we’re doing and how Hare Krishna is his religion. I mentioned to him that it’s Lakshmi puja and I wished him a happy Diwali. I showed him our set and he gave a generous donation for the books. He told me that even-though he had very little room in his luggage he still wanted to support us and carry the set back to India with him.

Times Square walking Harinam!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
James, professional yoga teacher.
Bhakta Gaurav stopped him and was showing the Bhagavad Gita and the Sanskrit transliteration then I was walking by the both of them and said: “wow this guy’s a scholar!” They both laughed!
Bhakta Gaurav signaled me to stay and told me that James likes to read a lot so I showed him the Srimad bhagavatam set at first. He was into it but didn’t want to commit, then I showed him our “Sapta” set instead. He asked what’s a fair donation and I said that we ask people to give $50 but no one gave a $100 today! He gave us a big enough donation so we added the “Prabhupada Lilamrita” too! We exchanged phone numbers and before he left he asked about the picture of Lord Narasimhadeva on the back cover of one of the Bhagavatam cantos on display and I told him the whole pastime of Prahlāda Mahārāja. He asked me what my favorite verse from the Gita is and I told him it’s verse 9.22. He also asked me for some powerful prayers so I showed him verses 5.18.8-9 in the bhagavatam and he said he would chant them along with the Hare Krishna maha mantra!

He’s a yoga instructor who loves to read!
Mahotsaha prabhu and Bhakta Gaurav distribute a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!       

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva, the source of all power. O my Lord who possess nails and teeth just like thunderbolts, kindly vanquish our demonlike desires for fruitive activity in this material world. Please appear in our hearts and drive away our ignorance so that by Your mercy we may become fearless in the struggle for existence in this material world.”-SB 5.18.8
Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I told him that I like his necklace and asked him if he wears it for meditation, decoration or inspiration? He told me he’s a spiritual guy and that he’s definitely on the path! I showed him our set and told him about the great minds that have read the Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas. I mentioned Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali, Tupac Shakur, Gandhi and Bob Marley as examples. He was interested in learning more so I told him: “these books are the king of knowledge they don’t teach you in college. They’ll help you distinguish reality from illusion so there’s no more confusion!”

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I stopped this really sweet lady and told her that her son looks so much like her! She smiled and thanked me.
She was telling me how she needs a copy of the “Bhagavad Gita” because she used to have a Gita App on her phone but she lost it somehow and hasn’t had the time to look for it and download it again! I told her it’s ok not to worry just take this set and it’s all you will need. After I showed Tasha our set she asked me how much and I told her to guess what price they would charge for a set of books like this one in Barnes and Noble? She immediately answered: “Probably a lot, I don’t have that kind of money!” I explained how we don’t sell the books like the bookstore because we have our own printing company and we just need to cover the printing and shipping costs. I also told her that Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Muhammad Ali and many other great minds have all read the Vedas for spiritual knowledge. She was inspired and happily took the set.

Tasha and her son Shaun are going back home back to Godhead!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

“Srimad-Bhagavatam is the summum bonum of life, Lord Shri Krishna personified.” 

 Nanda Gopal das sponsors a "Srimad Bhagavatam" set by the inspiration of Krishna prasad prabhu!