Monday, September 30, 2019

Highlights from Philadelphia a few days before the Ratha Yatra festival! We went to Rittenhouse square and did Harinam and book distribution!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
He was a really amazing and friendly gentleman. When I stopped him he told me that he hasn’t seen us in the streets for a long time. He remembered seeing us years ago when he was much younger dancing and chanting in the streets of Philadelphia and he always wondered what the Hare Krishnas were all about? I showed him our “Sapta” set and asked him to please take the books, read them and apply the knowledge in his life. He was happy to give us a donation. I also told him about the Ratha Yatra festival and gave him an invitation.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!