Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
She’s a professional chef.
She was sitting at the fountain next to the Harinam and listening to the kirtan. I told her that she looks so spiritual and very peaceful. She told me that she’s been meditating for the last 4 years and I expressed how inspiring and rare it was to meet people like her that are dedicated to meditation. I showed her our set and explained about the 7 books in the set for the 7 Chakras and how people like Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. have read the Vedas for spiritual guidance. I told her that nice people like her can make a change in the world by studying these books and sharing the knowledge with others.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!