Friday, May 17, 2019

We complimented her on her smile and said: “Love your energy!” And it’s true she really looked unusually happy compared to many New Yorkers running around in the subway during rush hour! She was saying how she’s been meditating for a while.
She's from the Dominican Republic originally but has been a native New Yorker most of her life. She said meditation helps her to remain focused and centered on what’s important. It gives her some peace amidst the craziness of NYC.
We said: “you know that’s a real nice attitude, these books from India explain the most ancient process of meditation and how to reach the deepest internal love within our hearts.” She was excited to begin reading and learning more about Krishna consciousness.

💥Accepting the mercy with a smile! “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!