Friday, May 17, 2019

Nikhila is a real sweet pious lady from Hyderabad. One of our devotees spoke with her in Telugu (home team advantage!) He told her that today is Nrsimha caturdasi, the appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva! She said: “wow, that’s great I really appreciate what you are all doing here in the middle of the subway.” We asked her to offer something for a nice set of books about Krishna. We showed her Krishna book and Srila Prabhupada’s bhagavatam first canto. We asked her If she could offer $108 donation on this auspicious day and she very gladly agreed! Amazing, we gave her the full set plus the Lilamrita, put them in heavy duty bags for her and that was it! Jay Nrsimhadeva!

 💥Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack⭐️! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!🏆