I was walking around in Union square park and I saw a friend of mine. I told him about the upcoming Ratha yatra festival. Then I started praying to Krishna that I really want to do a 5th set today and it was near the end of the Harinam. As soon as I turned around I bumped into this person by accident. I said: “hey I’m really sorry I wasn’t looking and ran into you. By any chance do you meditate?”
He said he did and he just returned from a trip to Hrishikesh organized by Laughing lotus Yoga studio.
I noticed he was wearing a bracelet that had “Bhava Bhakti” written on it.
I told him these are spiritual books about Krishna Bhakti.
Then he told me: “I’m so lucky to meet you out here today I really need to read more spiritual books.” He took out $100 and just gave it to me with real sincerity.