Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls: 
She’s a pretty famous Chef apparently and has her own cookbook (EyeSwoon).
I told her: “Hare Krishnas eat the best cuisine cooked with love and devotion for the pleasure of Krishna. These books will not only teach you about the art of cooking for Krishna but the art of being with Krishna through daily mantra meditation.”
She likes to practice yoga in her free time and wants to learn more about the process of meditation. I explained to her about the philosophy of Bhakti yoga in terms of reawakening love for Krishna and how it’s different from just doing mainstream yoga for bodily exercise.
She wants to visit the temple to learn how we cook. Really nice person, I enjoyed speaking with her about Krishna consciousness and cooking.

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

She wrote this on Instagram about her experience:


Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Bhakta Euron stopped her and she was talking to him about how she just started practicing yoga and really loves how it’s helping her be more peaceful mentally. I was walking by the both of them and I told him to put the “
Sapta” set in her hands. She grabbed the books and I explained to her how Bhakti yoga is the topmost yoga system. Also how by only practicing Bhakti yoga can one go back to Godhead. She was a really nice young lady who wanted to read about the philosophy of yoga and was ready for the new experience. She donated generously for the set with her credit card and took the set.

Krishna prasad prabhu and Bhakta Euron distribute a “Saptarishi” set together! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Sweet guy from Trinidad. He was in a bit of a rush so I told him: “You already know about Krishna. Please you have to take these books with you. Krishna consciousness is part of your culture and the books will bless your entire family. He was pious and just asked me how much do people give and happily took the set.

Nice gentleman from Trinidad receives a “Saptarishi” set from Krishna prasad prabhu! {7 Maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine. Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Jay and Karenna and their puppy!
I gave Karenna a “Bhagavad Gita as it is” last year and she was very inspired by it.

She came to the Harinam the next day and stayed the entire day chanting “Hare Krishna” with us. She’s been coming regularly with Jay to take part in the Harinam sometimes with their puppy too.
They’ve been attending our Sunday feast programs regularly as well.
When I offered Karenna to consider taking a bhagavatam set she was happy to do it and told me that she has only 2 pages left to finish the Bhagavad Gita! Perfect timing.

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Srimad Bhagavatam” set! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Highlights from the Indo-American fair in New Jersey!     

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
This nice pious couple invited us to visit their home and take prasadam there. The wife is an artist who draws very beautiful paintings of Krishna. She’s very humble, low key and very talented. They came by the Indo-American fair today and bought the bhagavatam set from us. She wanted to get the “stories of Krishna” book because it has many paintings to give her inspiration.

Indo-American fair in New Jersey!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Srimad Bhagavatam” set and a “Stories of Krishna” set! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Highlights from the Indo-American fair in New Jersey!   

Krishna receives a “Bhagavad Gita as it is” from Gopal Champu prabhu!

Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Srimad Bhagavatam” set! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

This fortunate couple receives a Telugu “Srimad Bhagavatam” set and a “Saptarishi” set! Jay Srila Prabhupada!  

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
This nice Indian gentleman is the President of the Sri Guruvaayoorappan Temple in New Jersey. It’s one of the biggest temples in the North east (26.5 million dollars to build) He’s also the main organizer of the Indo-American fair. He’s been running and managing the event for several years.
At the end of the day we started packing up the books and we wanted to offer him a “Saptarishi” set as a gift. So we were in the process of giving it to him when his wife came from behind and whispered to him. I had met her earlier that day and showed her some books and even asked for a donation not knowing she was the organizers wife! After she whispered to him he took out his wallet and gave us a $400 donation. So she told him to give us a big donation!
We had one Telugu Srimad Bhagavatam set left and we gave it to him along with a Sapta set. They were both very grateful and invited us back for next years gathering.

Highlights from the Indo-American fair in New Jersey!    

Pious Hindu couple receive a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set from Mahotsaha prabhu! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!     

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
This nice family walked by our booth, they were very cultured and well mannered people.
The husband is born in a traditional Indian Brahmin family. He told me he used to read a book on brahmacaria while growing up and he trie
d to follow it but at one point he had a desire to marry. He told me that he had sex only twice with his wife and he pointed to his two kids and said this is the result!
Then the wife asked me: “how can I get a guru, I’ve been praying to Krishna to send a representative of His to guide our family?”
I explained to her about Guru tattva and how all these questions are answered in the Srimad bhagavatam. The husband also told me that he has no TV in the house and no friends since being in the USA for 10 years because he’s afraid of getting too involved in the western way of living. He basically just works and then goes back home to do his puja and be with his family.
They gave a very generous donation for all the sets and we took their phone number as well so we can keep in touch and cultivate them.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a Telugu “Srimad Bhagavatam” set and a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together! {25 Maha big books in one shot}! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Pious family receive a “Saptarishi” set from Mahotsaha prabhu! {7 maha big books in one shot}

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
She walked by the Harinam party with her husband and she was super into the kirtan. She was carrying her own little Djembe drum too. I stopped them and showed them our set. I told her she has to have the books because she has such a positive vibration. She said that she’ll definitely take them and that she wanted to read more books on Eastern philosophy. She’s visited India a few times and really loves the culture and all the different music. She sat down with us and chanted playing her hand drum djembe while her husband watched and took some pictures of the Harinam. Really nice friendly couple.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Really pious Indian gentleman from Hyderabad we met while in Edison, New Jersey. He told us he’s been searching for some peace of mind and we asked him to worship Radha Krishna for ecstasy instead! He smiled and said he would do that from now on. He was telling us that his mother just did a Laxmi Narayana puja for him yesterday! He was amazed at meeting us in a parking lot today seemingly randomly!

Mahotsaha prabhu and Gopal Champu prabhu distribute a “Saptarishi” set! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I’ve met him several times while on Harinam throughout the past few years and he got a “Bhagavad Gita” from me once. I’ve been constantly in touch with him and seeing how he’s been progressing in his reading and understanding
of Krishna consciousness philosophy. This time when I stopped him, I just put our set with all seven books in his hands and he said: “man I’ve never felt anything like this before! I’ve got to have them!” That made me very happy and he indeed bought them on the spot! I also reminded him about our weekly Sunday feast programs and he promised he would come to visit soon. I always do my best to keep in touch with the people who get books from us especially this kind of super sincere person.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Friday, July 26, 2019

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
She actually received a soft cover “Bhagavad Gita” just this past Wednesday for Gopal Champu prabhu. Today she sat at the fountain next to the Harinam to enjoy the kirtan. I went and sat down next to her and showed her ou
r set. She’s really into her daily yoga practice and likes how it’s been helping her be more peaceful. She was very soft spoken and relaxed. I was telling her: “most yogis are very proud but I can tell that you’re a humble soul because of your interest in these books. By taking this set you will do good to yourself but also good to others.” She took the set, gave a nice donation and let us take a picture even though she was shy at first.

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Ananda prabhu recalls:
Really nice devotee who was sitting at the fountain next to the Harinam and listening to the kirtan. She goes to the Bhakti center almost daily to do volunteer service. She sometimes serves at the front desk greeting people. She’
s also a student at Cooper Union. She came to the book table and told me she already has the “Bhagavad Gita and “science of self realization” so I showed her the full Lilamrita set. I explained how it’s a must read for every devotee, the complete biography of Srila Prabhupada. I told her she will appreciate Prabhupada’s books even more by reading about all the obstacles he had to undergo to bring us Krishna consciousness.

Ananda prabhu distributes a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Very nice lady who drops by to visit the Harinam whenever she’s in the area. She regularly attends programs at the Bhakti center and likes to take darshan of Radha Murlidhara. She’s gotten some of Srila Prabhupada’s boo
ks from us each time she visited. This time I was inspired to show her Prabhupada’s Lilamrita biography and she was happy to take it. Her friend also took a copy of “Origins” magazine as an extra gift from us and they both got prasadam cookies of course!

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Prabhupada lilamrita” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Very humble lady I stopped in the Times Square subway. She’s from Albania and she showed me her country’s flag on her phone.
I said: “Wow you look like a very spiritual person, do you like to read in English?”
She told me she can read and speak English fluently even if she has an accent. I showed her our set and told her that they’re books on yoga and mediation from India and they give the deepest spiritual knowledge.
She asked me if I’m sure the books are from India and I said yes, then she said: “yes that’s good, they have real spiritual knowledge from India. I want the books.” I told her we’re monks and we take donations so she gave generously.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
This nice guy is Thomas and he’s only 20 years old. He just finished his summer internship at a prestigious company in the Columbus circle area.
He’s going back to Brown university tomorrow so I got to him just in time!

I said: “You’re a good looking guy, you look like a model. Are you a businessman or a model?” He laughed.
He likes to read and wants to read more but his job was very time consuming. I showed him our set and explained how these are some of Albert Einsteins favorite books of inspiration. He was hesitating so I told him: “you must be a yogi from a past life. I’m giving you the best thing.
You’re gonna read these books at least before you die. Take my number and if you don’t like them for any reason then give them back!”
He said: “You’re a real nice guy man so I’ll take them from you.”

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Bhakta Cruz recalls:
As I was taking out the book cart to Harinam there was a “Sapta” set attached to the handle. So I saw this as a sign and I started praying to Krishna that I would give this set to somebody today. On the train I noticed this smartl
y dressed gentleman with his eyes closed as if in meditation not sleeping so I approached him. He told me that he was praying when I came over and he saw that as an auspicious sign! He was also reading a book on how to utilize your spirituality to benefit others! I showed him our set and told him how these are the classics of India. He’s a successful businessman and told me that he didn’t even graduate kindergarten! He gladly took the set and promised to keep in touch! What impressed me about him was the fact that he humbly listened to what I was saying about Krishna consciousness.

On his way to Harinam today!
Bhakta Cruz distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
She was walking by and I told her how she was emanating peace and good energy.
She’s really into Kundalini yoga and I told her that makes sense because I can see her positive aura. She’s working on becoming a yoga teacher and
getting certified.
She was saying that she’s going through some dark times and she’s looking for the light.
I showed her verse 1.3.43 from the bhagavatam:

“This Bhāgavata Purāṇa is as brilliant as the sun, and it has arisen just after the departure of Lord Kṛṣṇa to His own abode, accompanied by religion, knowledge, etc.”

I said: “Whatever you’re looking for spiritually it’s right here in this Srimad bhagavatam set.” She told me that she’s not living in one place right now and can’t have so many books so I showed her our “Sapta” set instead. I told her that these are the best yoga scriptures from India. I encouraged her to take the set even if she’s not settled materially yet and she did.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Saumya from India and her boyfriend Antonio.
She came up to the table loudly chanting Hare Krishna! I offered her and her boyfriend some prasadam cookies then she went on to say: “I'm so happy that you guys are out here sharing this knowledge and practice with everyone, I live near the temple in Delhi and I have regular Bhagavad Gita programs at my home. I also gave a donation for 5,000 Gitas the last Marathon." She gave a very generous donation and was very encouraging.

Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Really good hearted young lady. I gave her a copy of “Sri Isopanishad” about a month ago and two weeks later she visited the Harinam and told me she really loved the book and thought it was amazing. It really helped her reconnect with God. That day she sat down with us in the kirtan and after the Harinam she came with us to Brooklyn Radha Govinda temple for the Wednesday night program. She heard the kirtan and the class by HG Mukunda Datta prabhu. Then she took the prasadam feast with some of the matajis from the temple we introduced her to. She had a great time. Today she came to Harinam and was ready to take the set!

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!       

She got a set and also sat in the kirtan for over an hour chanting Hare Krishna!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
It was near the end of the Harinam and I wanted to do another set.
When I saw her walking by I told her: “I think I’ve seen you before, you look very familiar.” She told me that she walks by the Harinam often and likes the ch
anting. She works as a data analyst in City college and likes to read in her spare time so I showed her our set. I told her that the books will change her life for the better and she will get a lot of spiritual insight.
She said: “I really like you guys and I want to get the books to support what you guys do out here!”

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Ananda prabhu recalls:
She’s originally from Puerto Rico now living in the city. She’s a 29 year old yoga teacher with many clients.
I told her how she looks so spiritual and has a positive energy. She told me that she likes to wear all different kinds
of rock crystals for good energy.
I showed her our set and explained that these yoga scriptures have everything she needs to know about karma, time, material nature, the soul. I kept saying how the books will expand her vision to help her distinguish reality from illusion. I had to speak to her for some time because she was saying that it’s maybe too many books and she’s a busy person but finally she agreed to take the set anyway.

Ananda prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
I told her that I could feel her vibes and that she looked like a very vibrant person. She told me that nobody’s ever told her that and she appreciated it.
I told her I can sense other peoples energy because I practice da
ily meditation.
She’s a very spiritual lady and she was pretty fascinated by the books. She was pious and immediately she wanted to get them. I told her that these are special books that will make every day a good day. She will never have a bad day again!

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes his 3rd “Saptarishi” set today! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
Nice young lady from Ukraine working as a business professional in New York. I thought she was American because she didn’t have an accent when she spoke.
She likes to read and she’s into her daily Yoga practice but wants to le
arn more about meditation.
I showed her our set and told her how these are spiritual books from India on meditation and love.
I told her she would learn a lot about the real meaning of yoga by reading them and that she really deserves the books because she genuinely wants to grow spiritually.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I asked her if she’s a spiritual girl while she was walking by really fast. Then from a distance I showed her our set holding it out in her direction. She was nice and turned around to speak to me.
I noticed her earrings with
some crystals on them and I asked her if they’re for meditation or decoration? She told me she’s actually quite a spiritual person and was interested in learning more.
I explained how the books will elevate and expand her consciousness. I asked her to please read the books and apply them in her life. I said: “You look like a smart girl at least smarter than me! Please give a donation and take advantage of this wonderful knowledge.”

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Ananda prabhu recalls:
’s originally from the Dominican Republic. She came up to the book table with a friend of hers. She was very interested so I spoke with her while her friend started talking to Gopal Champu prabhu at the same time. She was very energetic and told me that she received a “Srimad bhagavatam” first canto from us a few months ago and liked it very much. She’s very open minded about spirituality.
She was saying how she knows about Ganesh, Shiva and other Hindu deities. I showed her our set and said: “wow that’s amazing, you really deserve these books then. Many great minds and sages have studied these books for spiritual direction. Did you know Ganesh is the scribe who wrote down some of these books? Please take these books with you, they will inspire you in your spiritual progress.”
I also told her to share the bhagavatam first canto she already got before with her friend since it’s included in the “Sapta” set.

Ananda prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
This nice lady from Brooklyn sa
w me giving a prasadam cookie to someone and she smiled so I invited her to take one too! She came over and started talking to me. She really loves to read so I first showed her the “Srimad bhagavatam” set and explained how it contains the ultimate spiritual knowledge. I opened the first canto and showed her verse 1.1.2:

“.....this Bhāgavata Purāṇa propounds the highest truth, which is understandable by those devotees who are fully pure in heart. The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all.”

She told me the bhagavatam set might be too many books for now then I showed her the “Sapta” set. I told her
: “this set will help you realize the difference between spirit and matter please take it." She said: “I know you guys are nice and really want to help people so that’s why I want to take the set.”

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Krishna prasad prabhu recalls:
Alexis was riding her scooter and she enthusiastically drove right up to the book table. Really nice girl from California where she started her own wellness center. She’s in New York City for a short vacation to visit her
aunt. I showed her our set and explained that these books are for the ultimate welfare of the entire human society. I told her that people experience so much frustration and lamentation and these books will help them to find real eternal spiritual happiness. I told her that the ultimate goal of her new wellness should be to change peoples lives with the knowledge she gets from Srila Prabhupada’s books. She asked me if I could ship the books to her and I said of course!

Krishna prasad prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I gave him a “Bhagavad Gita” a few years ago and we became friends on Facebook. I met him again a few months ago in the subway and showed him the set but he was with his girlfriend, they were in a hurry to go somewhere. He sa
id he didn’t want to carry the books but promised me that he will get them at some point in the future. Then a few days ago he wrote me this nice message:
“I hope you are well. I met you some time ago and have the great fortune of seeing you from time to time in the subway. I’d like to purchase the books you offered me when we met last time... I’m starting to read the Bhagavad Gita, Vedanta, and other texts.. hope to see you again!! Jai Ram”
He stopped by to see me today in the Times Square subway just to get the set. I also invited him to our Sunday feast program.

Join the Sankirtan Army!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
It was a quick and unbelievable exchange.
This happy gentleman was in a rush and when I stopped him he said: “sorry, I’ve gotta go!” So I answered him: “We all gotta go sometime!”

That did something to his consciousness somehow and he was a little more relaxed. He told me that he’s actually a spiritual person and he likes to read about enlightenment. I showed him our set and he asked me how much it would cost. I told him it’s only $50 for these priceless books.

He’s on fire today🔥Sankirtan revolution!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
He saw me and called me over to him. He said: “you know man I’m in touch with the elders. I speak to the ancestors and the ancients!” He showed me a picture of his 93 year old grandmother and told me that his heritage is Chero
kee as well as African American. He believes in channeling the spirits. Then he said: “I’m gonna tell you a secret, 9 is the number of the universe my friend. I’m born on 08/01/81 and it all adds up to 9!” He sounded a little out there but I used it to my advantage and told him: “wow you’re the number 9 king for sure and you must the Messiah!” He smiled and after I explained to him that the books will help him be the best Messiah he took the set!

The Messiah gets the mercy!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
Very nice Indian lady named Divya which means transcendental.
She came up to the book table to look at the different book titles we offer and we started speaking. She was telling me that she’s a Hindu but she never really
understood any of the philosophy of her spiritual tradition. Even though she grew up in that culture she never got clear knowledge about God.
I explained to her that these books will help her understand all about her cultural heritage and will reestablish her relationship with Krishna and Krishna consciousness philosophy. She was excited to get the “Saptarishi” set and gave a very generous donation so I added the “Prabhupada Lilamrita” and told her that it was the biography of the Guru who gave all the wonderful knowledge in the “Sapta” set.
It’s nice that we have Srila Prabhupada’s books available for the many Hindus we meet so they learn about their spiritual culture.

Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I saw him walking by the Harinam and I just ran up to him with a “Sapta” in my hands.
His name is Kiran and he’s from Hyderabad so I spoke to him in Telugu. He was very friendly and humble. He told me that he works a job in I
T (internet technology) and that he did all his college studies in India. So I told him: “wow you must be very intelligent and smart. Please take these books. Balaji, the Lord of the seven hills, wants you to have them. If you offer Balaji $50 now for the set He will give you back 50 crores in the future!”

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Gopal Champu prabhu recalls:
This “Sapta” happened literally in a minute. I stopped him while he was running to catch his train and he told me that he’s in a hurry.
He also told me he’s from Guyana and knows about Krishna so I quickly put the set in his hands and showed it to him.
He asked me how much and told me he wants to get the set for his mom who regularly visits the Krishna temple! That was it. Pious guy who loves his mom!

Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} plus “Origins” magazine! Jay Srila Prabhupada!🌺

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
I saw her Om tattoo and I stopped her by saying that she must be a super spiritual person. She was happy to hear that and she was telling me that she would like to learn more about meditation. I told her that these books will guide her and I showed her our set. I asked her if she knew how many chakras we have and she said seven.
So I said to her that’s why we offer these seven books! I asked her to please take the books and that we only ask for a donation for them. Then she told me that so many good things are happening to her today. I said: “this is the best thing that happened to you in eternity!” She smiled and took the set.

Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!🌺

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ananda prabhu recalls:
Nice Indian lady from New Delhi.
She stopped in front of the Harinam and was standing taking some pictures of the devotees chanting. I approached her and asked her where she was from. I told her that I have a special gift for her and I showed her our “Sapta” set. I explained how we only ask for a donation and she gave generously from her heart right away. She was very pious and wanted to be supportive so it was pretty simple and easy.

Ananda prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Lila Manjari mataji purchased this “Saptarishi” set to offer as a gift to a friend of hers. She’s a Srila Prabhupada disciple who received initiation at the New Vrindavan farm community. She’s been a regular supporter of the NYC Harinam and the Yuga dharma ashram by offering service and monthly donations. She often attends the morning programs especially Srimad bhagavatam classes and the Sunday feast programs as well. All glories to her service.

Lila Manjari mataji receives a “Saptarishi” set from Mahotsaha prabhu! {7 maha big books in one shot} Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
While we were visiting Gita Nagari farm this Sunday we met this nice father and son.
The father grew up feeding cows and wanted to read about Srila Prabhupada so he got the “Prabhupada lilamrita.” And the son wanted to read about Krishna so he got the
“Sapta” set. They’re both really nice pious people and liked our kirtan. We did kirtan for a few hours around the Gita Nagari farm for the pleasure of Radha Damodara and the cows of course!

Father and son get the mercy!
Mahotsaha prabhu distributes a Super ”Mahat-Tattva” stack! {14 Maha big books in one shot} “Saptarishi” set and “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set together!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Highlights from the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Ratha Yatra festival.

Mahotsaha prabhu recalls:
We met this nice devotee, Shawn, when we were visiting the Bhakti Garden in Philadelphia. He somehow found HH Bhakti Vikas Maharaja’s channel on YouTube and got addicted to his lectures. He was praying that he somehow or other meets disciples of HH Bhakti Vikas Maharaja. And the next day he met us in Philadelphia! We gave him the only copy of one of Maharaja’s books that we had with us. He wanted more so I promised him that we’ll give him the full set when he comes to Rathayatra and we did! Special delivery 35 books in one shot!

Special delivery: 35 books in one shot!
Mahotsaha prabhu and Vishnu Citta prabhu distribute a “Chaitanya Charitamrita” set, a “Prabhupada Lilamrita” set, a “Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Vaibhava” set, “Stories of Krishna” plus a full set of HH Bhakti Vikasa swami! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Highlights from the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Ratha Yatra festival.
Gopal Champu prabhu distributes a “Saptarishi” set,
plus some copies of “Mothers and Masters” by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami! Jay Jagannath! Jay Srila Prabhupada!